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Everything posted by Harbinger

  1. Heh, cute dog, but I think my Male dog (Bubba) would give him a good run for his money! Even if he doesn't, It could be 5 against 1
  2. Heh, the best part about that is they lined up like that on their own. Where have you been? I've been in the poho on and off for the past week. He he, yeah, shes a good mama! lol at least she lets me get near, she growls at the other two dogs if they even get close to the box. And heres one more shot of the older sister, I expect the new black one to look a lot like her, not sure about the long hair though, but I'm sure those white spots/patches will be awfully pretty.
  3. Well a lot of you probably saw my posts in the Poho thread about my experience at the vets office last night. So without further ado.... Heres the three -- From left to right -- Lulu (the older sister), Pearl (Mama dog) and Bubba (Daddy). And here are the new arrivals! The 1st born, a female. And the 3rd born, a male. Sorry for the iffy pics, puppies aren't the easiest things to photograph.
  4. Those aren't fangs, they're actually sex organs on the males. I'm still not convinced that it was a hobo, the funnel web spiders (pretty harmless) look very similar to a hobo. Take a look at the link Ryan posted and you will see what I mean. Still, it could be a hobo, so traps are in order.
  5. Heh, I wanted to know in case I find more of them climbing my kitchen walls! I'll be picking up some spider traps tonight though.
  6. I'm leaning towards a funnel web, as everything I'm finding is saying Hobo's aren't good climbers. This guy wasn't moving either, he just sat in that same position long enough for me to run upstairs and grab my camera, take some shots, and then squish him. I'm going to pick up some traps tonight, just in case I do have hobo's running about.
  7. Harbinger

    What Am I?

    Found this guy hanging out on my kitchen wall last night. G/f and I think he *was* a hobo, but I'm not sure, apparently they are easily confused with other spiders. Anywho he met an untimely end with a back of a DVD case shortly after these photos. I don't normally squish these guys, but I was willing to risk some Karma just in case he was poisonous.
  8. If your looking for mileage, maybe a diesel MKIII or MKII VW GTI/GOLF/JETTA would be up your alley?
  9. Life size Blue Whale on Teh Intertubes.
  10. I might add that silicone does start looking rather nasty after its been on a roof for a few years I scraped all the crap off and replaced with new before I sold my truck though. *sigh* all this talk about lights is making me 4x4 sick.....hmmmm, wonder what a light bar would look like on a VW sssh
  11. My Pathy (back when I had her) just had a hole drilled through near the rise on the roof, near the passenger side door. Was only sealed with silicone, not pretty but effective. MUCH more effective than the 20 year old sunroof seals lol.
  12. General site design looks pretty good Jay. But I have to ask, did you get permission to use everyones pictures? All the pathy pics you have on the site or in the roatating header seem to have been plucked straight from NPORA.
  13. Sorry to hear you had to sell dennis! I had to do the same thing with mine a few weeks back. I still come around here though, no ones kicked me out yet
  14. Man you go through vehicles like I go through beer Congrats on the purchase though, Tacomas are sweet!
  15. The TDI engine was the reason I started looking at VW's, still kick myself to this day for buying a gas model. When they are tuned right they can actually make better numbers than my 8V 2.0 Gasser. 50+ mpg out of the box doesn't hurt either. SC88 has a point though, its only the new diesels that can't be sold in the wussier states. Whereas VW & Dodge have been manufacturing and selling great diesel motors for years. Hell if nissan sold the 2.7TD in the states I'd drop my VW in a heartbeat for one. Some days I still miss my old 6.5TD GMC, was only a half ton but got damn near 24mpg on its better days. I wouldn't hold your breath
  16. I'm hoping to take the local STAR course here in a month or two, have never ridden a motorcycle before but would like to start.
  17. No matter what you decide, don't let those JC Racing parts disappear from the board!
  18. Now I know where to go to get my power armor once the bombs drop! :idea:
  19. I've always read it as "For the Win" EG WD21's FTW!
  20. I'm certainly no mechanic myself, but I believe your going to need a WHOLE Lot more than just the engine. EG, the ECU, Possibly the tranny/t-case, the wiring harness, countless custom brackets, lots of bandaids and a large supply of beer.
  21. I'm not a pro installer or anything, but I'd re-doublecheck all your connections/wiring diagram. And if all else fails, could it be a defective HU?
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