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Everything posted by Harbinger

  1. To sell my car and fix up the pathy? I can't afford both, so one has to go. I'm thinking I'd rather not lose my 4x4 even at the cost of extra fuel. But no car payment and reduced insurance might help make up for that. But would it be foolish to put a bunch of money into this pathy with almost 275K on it? At the very least it needs: A Battery Shocks Steering All new bushings And thats assuming the engine or AT doesn't die on me if it becomes my daily take-anywhere-no-matter-what-distance vehicle. Good idea or bad?
  2. Congrats on the new locale Cory!
  3. Harbinger


    Damn Ryan, had no idea the cancer thing was going on! GL and keep your head up
  4. Bought mine in January of '05. Think I got ripped off though, only paid $450
  5. Either that or hes pure evil hiding behind a monkey mask.
  6. Harbinger

    Your IQ score?

    Never taken a test issued by a professional
  7. My god -- things like this are the reason I must win the lottery.
  8. Funny that the Dems get a little power and Rummy heads for the hills eh? Makes you wonder what hes afraid of....
  9. Meh, theres still some people making good contributions, I know I've gotten a lot of help from various write ups and what not. But in the larger view your right. Thats why I don't hang out there much, I get tired of people being flamed for having a pin stripe, or the wrong wheels, etc etc etc.
  10. Wish I could say the same for the MKIV section
  11. Well I don't hang out there if thats what your implying But there is a wealth of information there for when one needs it. (And with a VW you need info pretty often )
  12. Lets see.... IdaH20 - Boise VW forum VWVortex NPORA Boise Frag Fest (Local LAN gaming/computer forum) Thats the normal ones, I probably have membership at about a dozen others though lol.
  13. I don't believe so. I actually think that happend on HP's Boise site. Where I work I wasn't on that project though, so I can't be 100% sure.
  14. AFAIK not all the WD frames share the same weakness. It seems to be most prevalent on the 94-95's. Also if you get a WD from a salt-free state/region then you should be fine. As an example my 87's frame is virtually rust free with almost 275,000 miles on it.
  15. Harbinger


    Heres me donning parts of last years costume, didn't bother with a new costume this year as I had to miss the halloween parties for one reason or another. Dressed up and decorated for 3 measly trick-or-treaters o'well, plenty of candy left for me!
  16. I wish my dad had had a welder when I was growing up
  17. Well there are ways of getting it cheaper -- but I won't post that here Well I'll agree that Vista will eventually be better than XP, I'm guessing for the first year or so it'll be crap. Thats the way XP was. As it stands, we are testing the Vista RC1 drop here at work. Even on a 3+ ghz system with 2gigs of ram it runs SLLLOOOOWWWW. Not to mention the $700ish price tag for the professional version. With all the anti-pirate stuff their putting into place I'll have to stop running windows entirely and go with linux. Granted the glitzy overly user friendly one will come free with a new system, but lots of us don't want the home edition or a pre-assembled computer
  18. Or linux I'm a Zone Alarm fan, as the windows firewall is nothing special (you can pretty much count on anything windows based to have the hell hacked out of it). AVG and Avast are good as well. Norton Corporate works pretty well, but I'd steer clear of the "Do everything" norton packs, they bog XP down pretty bad. The best suggestion I can offer is aquire a copy of norton ghost. Just create an image of your OS when its fresh and clean. Save it to a partition and if things hit the fan in the future just lay down the image. Brand new OS in under 15 minutes I'm with skinnypedal here. Remember when XP came out?
  19. ewww :oops: I never understood the concept behind modifying a 4wd vehicle for street purposes.
  20. ROFL @ that last pic A joke about shaving comes to mind but I'll keep it to myself :X
  21. Harbinger


    Cute puppy! <--Dancing kitty approves.
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