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Everything posted by Harbinger

  1. Thanks guys -- its not terrible, just not something I hope to repeat. And I drove the pathy to work today TYVM
  2. So the pathy and vw were low on gas on monday. So I hop on my cannondale to bike to work. I'm about halfway to work when I come down off a curb and something doesn't sound right. The next thing I know I'm bleeding all over and two guys are coming over to help me. Turns out either the front tire was loose or the fast disconnect broke. Ended up with the tire coming out of the front fork, getting caught in the brakes. Which equaled me face hitting the handlebars and then the pavement. The two guys pulled me into their house and gave me a bunch of hydrogen perxoide and what not to clean up with. Then they threw my bike in the back of their chevy and gave me a ride home. The g/f then took me to the ER where they gave me a total of 9 stitches. So Let this be a lesson people, make sure your equipment is in good working order prior to using! And in the future I will be the dork wearing a full face motorcycle helmet when riding a bicyle.
  3. Its nothing new, but its the first time I've seen it for anything other than the US domestic market. Heres a quick link I found in under 3 minutes of googling. Diesel performance
  4. Harbinger


    The fabric paint works ok for a bunch of VW guys, but they paint their headliners with it. I'm not so sure it would hold up with the wear and tear carpet goes through.
  5. Mines never worked, and I've never cared enough to look into it. I didn't buy this truck for its creature comforts
  6. Heres the one on my system @ home -- Don't remeber whats on my main system since its at a buddies house for gaming purposes.
  7. I haven't heard anything good about these zip-boots. When I replaced mine the replacement boot kits were only $10 or so at the local NAPA All in all once your in there it isn't very hard to just remove the whole axle to replace the boots. It'll last a lot longer that way as well.
  8. I say again -- take the passenger front tire off and its a piece of cake.
  9. I'd like to go but its a bit to much of a trip for me. Keep thinking that maybe I'll make it to waterwagens one of these years though.
  10. Thanks for the info guys :-) I mostly have all the terms down its just a matter of figuring out how to apply them to my camera. And its a Film Rebel -- I couldn't afford the $500+ digital Rebel bodies right now Figured film couldn't be a bad place to start (except for the $$ it takes to shoot/develop) and any accesories I buy for this one will likely transfer to a Canon DSLR if/when I upgrade. But it came with a Sigma 28-80mm lens & an Hoya UV filter. Then I've got a friend that has a B&W darkroom in his garage, so I can practice developing B&W there. He said he also has some equipment I can borrow, some extra filters,flashes, lenses, a tripod, etc. Already put one roll through it, its at the devolpers now, trying to get up to speed with it before I head to the OR coast in a little under 2 weeks.
  11. I just got my new to me Canon Rebel G SLR in the mail yesterday Thank you Ebay! So I thought I'd post up and see which other NPORA-ites were into photography, and see if anyone had some tips for starting this new hobby.
  12. JB weld is whats keeping my VW's oil pan together
  13. If I worked in a liquor store or a hardware store I wouldn't have any paychecks to speak of. But then again I'd probably be having more fun.
  14. Its possible, but a lot of work and $$ depending on who does it and where you find the donor tranny. With your current situation it might be better to find what you want already assembled
  15. I'm no where NEAR ready for the zombies to attack. My collection: One Savage Arms 12 Ga Shotgun circa 1958-ish. Still saving up for a Para hi-cap .45 but life and the g/f are sucking my funds dry.
  16. Happy belated b-day slick!
  17. *jaw drops* Wish those were offered here! Nice ride SW!
  18. Tech 2 Software tester -- make just under 30k/year.
  19. Mines never really been mistaken for anything, but it is labeled a jeep by most of my not so 4x4 friendly friends.
  20. Theres that and it would do nothing but fan the fires of my paranoia. "Ummm, why did the doors just lock and why are we headed to that big government building?" Then again it would be nice to be able to go out and get really tossed knowing that your car is your designated driver
  21. He he, yeah they are flashy little rides for sure. If I stay VW though I'll probably be staying with the MKIV's, don't like the look of the MKV's and really don't want a higher car payment. Hell I might even step back a generation or two....or three Or I'll succumb to the will of MZ and be driving a mercedes before years end....
  22. Thats cool and all, but no thanks! I'd like to stay in control of where my car is going thank you
  23. It fit mine just fine and my pathies stock.
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