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Vsicks Pathy

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Posts posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. I haven't gone anywhere guys, just on vacation. I think I will probably retire from posting in this thread though. It's just silly to enter into a debate where people either don't understand how to form an argument using facts or deliberately ignore facts in order to push an agenda. It's also tiring dealing with the emotion in many of these posts. Not conceding defeat at all, just deciding that my pearls of wisdom are probably better off cast elsewhere. I believe that a person with a good knowledge of logic and statistics will understand my main points and will see through the arguments of the opposite side. Unfortunately it's often easy to mislead those not familiar with statistical fallacy and errors in logic.


    You have certainly left me scratching my head in wonderment this time Hoo Haa. You seem to be talking about yourself in the third person. Are you OK? :crazy:


    I think it best that you do retire from this topic too, it is probably the right thing for you to do. You did state that gun control works after all, didn't you. That's how I read it anyway. I will post up what you said so as to refresh your memory too......

    2. The countries listed have RADICALLY different levels of handgun ownership, again making the statistics misleading. You are comparing countries which are completely saturated with handguns with countries, like England, with very very low handgun ownership.

    3. The assumption seems to be that since America's death stats are so much higher than everyone else's (see point #1) that gun control in the USA must be too lax. This is also misleading because the countries listed have varying levels of strictness of gun control.


    .......Perhaps you could explain what you are saying here if I am reading it wrong. :aok:


    I trust you got my PM, it is good to have you back anyway.

  2. I have replaced:


    Fuel Filter

    Fuel Pump

    Ignition Distributor

    Inanition Coil & Module

    Throttle body Base Gaskets& Heater

    Ignition Wires

    O2 Sensor


    Spark plugs

    Throttle Positioning Sensor

    Any and all info you can provide would be great! :wtf:


    PLEASE HELP! thank you


    The very first thing I would have looked at is not mentioned in your hit list.


    It sounds like the car is starved of something it needs to run properly. Have you looked at your air filter yet?

  3. Well I finally got my replacement engine and I'm trying to swap it in with no experience at all.

    I'm already having troubles getting the lower rad hose off, so I can pull the rad. I got the hose off the engine and drained the rad, but I'm having troubles getting it off the rad itself. This isn't a huge problem, but I will be posting more problems I encounter throughout the swap in here. :itsallgood:


    This is going to be fun....



    Twist the hose. You have to try to rotate it so it will break loose. When it does, then you can pull it off.

  4. Just when I had my sights set and I had taken aim…… it looks like our pro gun lobbyist, Xxx Xxx, has shot through after shooting off when only half cocked which ended with him shooting himself in the foot. Seems he didn’t have any ammunition to protect himself, ironically, from himself when it came to the facts of the matter.

    Still, no need for you to disappear Xxx. :itsallgood: It is just a topic ffs. No winners or losers here! They’re in the streets. :whocares:




    The above is just a bit of humour with a little word play. I couldn’t resist it.

  5. i am runnin 4" bs with 33x12.5x15's.... and i rub my bushwhackers to hell wouldn't have it turning atta slight angle P... bent my fenders too :huh:


    Are your tyres are sticking out past the guard/fender, and causing them to foul on your body work? Perhaps 12.5 is too wide Slick?


    I have 33x10.5x15 and no problems.

  6. Well here i am.

    I needed a cheap rocket to spend time at the beach and show the kids some of Moreton and Fraser Is.

    Bought a 1990 Terrano last year and decided to learn to surf (middle age crisis?).

    On the first trip to the beach we got stuck a few times so the financial controller agreed to the power upgrade and intercooler for more get up and go in the sand.

    Since then we have had a bit of water over the bonnet and up the windscreen, the family reaction always amuses me, so i've jacked up the suspension and i am thinking of adding a 50mm body lift and snorkel.

    I see body lift spacer's are advitised on the net but i was wondering whether the auto shift lever operation is affected, has anyone got any stories good or bad about DIY installation ?



    Keep to 50mm, they are still legal, for now anyway.


    What part of OZ are you in?

  7. You're not going boohoo are you hoohaa? Where are you?



    "i actually felt like doing some math so here are the results:


    UK 1:1'836'641

    Swe 1:250'461

    Sui 1:77'566

    Jap 1:2'124'393

    Aus 1:1'558'775

    Can 1:258'585

    USA 1:22'609"


    That's scary stuff.

  8. I dont think it will happen in 5 years, but possibly sometime in the future. The problem China is having right now is its quality in products that they manufacture. The US had the same proble in the industrial revolution. Good matierials(steel, aluminum,ect) and quality goods(food, toys, electronics, ect) are going to need to come from them to supply themselves and the rest of the world. I believe there is a lot of problems with the standards upon which their products are made. Whether its some old businessman who does not want to spend money, or some guy taking bribes to let crappy products pass by and label it top of the line, I dont know.

    When is the last time you bought something made in China? As a professional mechanic, I dont have much in my toolbox if anything from China. I also get a little worried when I see anything at home when its made in China. Are all those toys that are being recalled that are covered in Lead paint made in China? How about the recent article about poor food standards in Chinas food that killed a lot of thier own people?

    Now I say all of this knowing that if China gets its act together as a country, yes they definatly could be a superpower. How soon that will happen is unknown. I do know if they grow too fast, it could all crumble. They have to take thier time and adjust as need, and they have to do it as a whole country. Not 1 or 2 companies can support the whole county. Well, thats my 2 cents!


    I agree with all of what you said. And unfortunately Australia is already flooded with cheap Chinese products, including food.. There doesn't see to be any escape from it either?

    It isn't their inferior products that I was referring to though. They seem to be doing an excellent job making money even with sh!t products.


    It is the massive power they have and their ability to wield it in the world economy that I was referring to.


    Here is the first few lines of the article I linked to....


    "Early this morning China let the idiots in Washington, and on Wall Street, know that it has them by the short hairs. Two senior spokesmen for the Chinese government observed that China’s considerable holdings of US dollars and Treasury bonds “contributes a great deal to maintaining the position of the dollar as a reserve currency.”


    Should the US proceed with sanctions intended to cause the Chinese currency to appreciate, “the Chinese central bank will be forced to sell dollars, which might lead to a mass depreciation of the dollar.” " It is a good eye opener for those that don't know where the money is.

  9. I have been watching China's rapid growth for years now and some of you probably have an interest in it too.


    I was talking with some friends only recently about the "real" possibility of China being the next and only superpower... I was talking within the next 5 years or so. They laughed it off, thought I was joking. The subject came up when we learned that the US wanted to sanction China's imports. I thought that strange given the fact that China has so much invested in the US$.


    Anyway, I just came across this article and wanted to see your opinions. It goes without saying, I may have been wrong about China becoming a superpower in 5 or so years.


    I found the comments most enlightening. :huh::hide:

  10. yup, better dead horse then a live kid.


    I understand what you're saying. He just doesn't see it. Facts to him are irrelevant. He seems to have a "real" fear of being attacked or robbed by gun persons. That's why he doesn't use or acknowledge factual data to support his argument. In his mind the argument is justified. There is no factual data to support his ideals/beliefs, just manipulation of print media, stats and of course, using posters with ugly girls on them.


    He agrees that gun control works. He even says so here......... Twice........


    2. The countries listed have RADICALLY different levels of handgun ownership, again making the statistics misleading. You are comparing countries which are completely saturated with handguns with countries, like England, with very very low handgun ownership.

    3. The assumption seems to be that since America's death stats are so much higher than everyone else's (see point #1) that gun control in the USA must be too lax. This is also misleading because the countries listed have varying levels of strictness of gun control.


    How on Earth can he say what he said and not slap himself silly? The argument that gun control leads to misleading results of stats is out with the fairies. It is the funniest thing I have read in years... Yet, he will justify it, well try to.


    Take this for an example of his trying to justify a mistake in his argument....

    He has the cheek to use the fact that the gun murder rate IS falling in South Africa against me? He even goes so far as to tell me why I can't use South Africa and about the circumstances of the populous of South Africa??? Parrot or what? lol. Did he forget the fact that it was he that used South Africa as an example of how gun control doesn't work? And it was I that pointed out the opposite even with all of the cultural hurdles and poverty South Africa is facing? Of course not. He chooses to overlook it, to twist the argument, because it doesn't suite his agenda. Let's see how he justifies point 2 and 3 in the above comments.


    He is a fundamentalist, a radical. He is scared of change, he is scared of other people and of what might happen and nothing can change his mind. NOTHING! Hence, the flogging of the dead horse.


    I feel sorry for all those that live like that. Fear is an awful thing.

  11. So the poor are criminals? That type of thinking is deeply disturbing.



    How come you neglected to inform us that the murder rate (with a gun) is coming down because of new gun control laws in South Africa?

    How come you didn't inform us that the gun control laws are just being implemented now, and that next to nothing existed in the recent past re gun controls?

    Why do you omit facts continuously? WHY?


    As I mentioned, South Africa has very strict gun control laws.


    May I make an observation?

    The selective way you post suggested that even with "very strict gun control laws" the gun murder rate is high, no no no, I will correct myself...... You would have us believe that because of gun control it is high.. You gave the distinct impression that South Africa had these laws forever, if not years.... One could almost say you are a lier.

    Any who, FACTS can't be disputed, the new laws are working and working very well indeed even in its infancy. Wait, it gets better... Because of the huge success gun control is having there, South Africa is aiming to get rid of all guns... Ambitious I know, but at least they're already bearing the fruits of their efforts. You have to take your hat off to them for seeing the folly of their ways. :clap:



    So here we are, and to date you have not contributed anything that was remotely factual in this discussion, and quite frankly, it's way past pathetic now with your more than obvious bias.... You push your pro kill everyone agenda like a religious fanatic trying your best for Armageddon or a sleazy pedophile camped outside a kindergarten. I don't quite know which but I do know that you leave a bad taste in my mouth and that I have had enough. Post your childish banners somewhere else.




    You could have at least found pro 'loosen up gun laws so we can kill more of each other more easily when we feel like it' posters with good looking ladies (and I use that term very loosely). But alas, even that was beyond you.

  12. Vsicks, you're getting way off topic. Please state your opinion of the matter at hand and stop handing down snide comments to Greg.


    BACK ON TOPIC!! :thumbsdown::whocares::offtopic::stickwack:





    Thank you 88 for bringing this up again. I had just about forgotten about this thread, and now you just may have given me yet another opportunity to scathe our beloved bumbling GG. :beer: Alas, it seems that you have failed to have your facts in order as to who how and why this got off topic. Might I suggest that you take a decent look at the postings this time? PM me your apology too if you like. And as for my comments about GG, they are far from snide. They are precise, indicative of his character and factual as far as I can ascertain. Would you like that I was a little more blunt in future?


    Now 88, will you let it get back on topic and stay on topic, or must we carry on with this silly banter?

  13. I hope they overestimated the amount of traffic on the bridge at the time and they find bugger all cars with bodies in them.


    I also hope the reason for the collapse is discovered very quickly so other similar type bridges can have potential structure failure identified.


    It does leave you wondering how something like that could happen. Not good.

  14. V6, you're splitting hairs. I agree that idolizing someone, and that a person being a role model are different things.


    Not splitting hairs at all.

    I could understand wind and wind or live and live being mistaken for the same thing but not an idol and a role model.

    GG is appears IMO too illiterate and/or ignorant to be able to define the meanings of what "clearly" different words mean.


    Perhaps that was too harsh of me?


    It may not be his fault... I mean, if one is unable to even spell properly what hope does one have of finding out the meaning of the words and how to use them in correct context? Perhaps he didn't have a role model to aspire too when he was young. He may have idolised something instead, a Mickey Mouse clock perhaps?? Though it would make a nice idol, it could never be a role model, could it.

    Either way he always manages to leave me with a little bit of vomit in the back of my throat.

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