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Vsicks Pathy

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Posts posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. go GG, idolizing sport figures is just plain messed up. idolizing someone for their physical prowlessness is crazy, not that many don't do it. same for motor sports.. i mean, really, what's good about these guys? seriously.. i'm asking here..


    i think that's partially the problem these days.. how about idolizing Einstein or someone actually worthy of emulating.. teachers, for the most part are great role models.. parents should be the no.1 role model in their kids lives though. i never really idolized any sports "heroes." i have liked some but i didn't care to become like any of them. i am myself and i am just fine with that. i sure wouldn't want to be like anyone else.


    the funny thing is that i must be about opposite of that as one can be.. if, let's say, MJ is pushing the air jordans then that is the shoe i will never buy. lol.. because the way i see it is that they make plenty of money as it is and i will not fill their pockets further by purchasing the product they are pushing.. i liken it to pushing drugs. really what's the difference? i guess i have always been rebelious like that. ;):D


    GG is the only one that made reference to an idol. Idols weren't being talked about. Christ knows why he did. He seems to have plucked idol out of thin air? ... I just think he doesn't know the difference between an idol and a role model. Hence, I put a a vague online dictionary explanation of both for him. Please mz, stop confusing the two, there are completely different.


    GG quote re role models.... "My point is they are only a role model because you make them one. You are the one that gets the let down when they "fall", becvause you were the one that placed them on the pedistal. Whether the athlete is using drugs or not, he/she is doing it for themselves or their team, not for you or your kids." WTF?


    Then he somehow goes to this?


    "As for idols, tell me kids don't idolize famous type people. You just hope the idolize someone you would coincider a roll model right?"

    Pulled straight out of his arse?


    And finishes with this??

    "Just remember, they are only making the big $$$ because you idiots pay to see them." We have moved completely away from athletes being role models and impressionable kids to this..... me, you, us, everyone, hell, I don't know, idiots.


    I don't know, it might just be me but all of the above is just crap and I truly don't understand how any thinking person can make any sense of it, and I am not talking about the spelling mistakes. I am still waiting for his answers. lol

  2. I wear generic skater shoes and work boots. Most of my T-shirts are from work or offroading (parks, clubs, etc). Your point on that?


    Skater shoes; interesting? Why skater shoes? And what of the "T" shirts that aren't advertising your employers company or an off road club?


    Are you ever going to clarify your replies to any of my postings? I still can't see where you are coming from and your lack of explanation isn't helping.

    I am waiting for you to ramp up your rapture and use the "god" next . Or are you building to it? After all, role model became idol, so the next step for you will be Jesus wont it? Or will you skip that and go straight to god first?


    I can with a little poetic license see your next rave. It might look like this.... You miss my point. My point is they are only a GOD because you make them one. You are the one that gets the let down when they "fall", becvause you were the one that placed them on the alter. Whether the GOD is using drugs or not, he/she is doing it for themselves or their team, not for you or your kids.


    As for GOD, tell me kids don't idolize famous type people. You just hope the idolize someone you would coincider a roll model right?



    Just remember, they are only making the big $$$ because you idiots pay to see them.


    Gee, better not have any church folk see this... They'd be outraged.

  3. Children's role models are in the hands of their parents for the most part. If I were to raise my son from day 1 sitting in front of the tube every Sunday or Monday afternoon watching, oh I don't know, Michel Vick and his Atlanta Falcons, and constantly praise him, worship him and make him the superhuman being that he's really not, I'm sure that son, once reaching the age where he realizes he has some independence, would continue to worship him as he always did during his youth, regardless of the fact that he's a scum bag and doesn't deserve to ever touch a football for the National Football League again.

    It's up to Mom and Dad who they allow their kids to be exposed to at those vulnerable ages...they need to pick wisely.

    A child whose raised by a predjudiced family towards a particular demographic will eventually become a bigot himself...again...blame the parents.


    I think, if anything else, it's the values and morals that good parents instill in their children that will eventually give those kids the opportunity to make good choices with who the idolise/worship.


    In an ideal world, Mom and Dad would be the greatest role models in their childrens' lives.


    Heh heh, remember "Be like Mike"? Can't everyone "Be Like Mike" anymore?? :lol:



    So you agree, role models should be of good character. The parents always have to make sure that their kids are on the right track and that goes for everything. Young kids choose their role models. I never watched a Sydney game unless it was against my team and I certainly never watched the Wiggles either. Yet these things inspired my son? And as they get older you soon find you can not choose their friends either. You can only hope to guide them. Hopefully they see.



    The term "idolise" and what it means is far removed from the 'role model criteria' that this started out on. My son is yet to idolise/worship anyone.... perhaps he hasn't met the right girl yet?


    In an ideal world, Mom and Dad would be the greatest role models in their childrens' lives.


    I couldn't agree more.


    GG would have you killed for that comment.

  4. You miss my point. My point is they are only a role model because you make them one. You are the one that gets the let down when they "fall", becvause you were the one that placed them on the pedistal. Whether the athlete is using drugs or not, he/she is doing it for themselves or their team, not for you or your kids.


    As for idols, tell me kids don't idolize famous type people. You just hope the idolize someone you would coincider a roll model right?

    Just remember, they are only making the big $$$ because you idiots pay to see them.



    I sure did miss your point. I miss it even more when you attempt to explain yourself too. Please point out how I make role models? Point out where I said I give a f*ck when they fall too.


    As for kids idolising someone?? You seem to know more than me on that count. I will ask my kids if they do or have ever idolised (Verb 1. idolise - love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol; "Many teenagers idolized the Beatles") a person, that way I will be able to answer your question. Will the Wiggles count?

    I do know that they had role models (Noun 1. role model - someone worthy of imitation; "every child needs a role model") though. My son had a couple of Footy players, from different teams when he was about 6 or 7. He also had a teacher at school that was a role model for him too. My daughter has her mother.... So yes, I really do miss your point, don't I?


    I think you are losing the plot. What runners/shoes do you have on your feet? Any particular "T" shirts you like most...... get real!

  5. It's your own damn fault if you make the mistake of allowing your child to idolize someone. Don't blame the idol, or anyone else for the faults you might find with the idol.



    WOE! Now we have an idol?? You don't think that you're getting just a little bit carried away with it?


    I certainly didn't realise it is a mistake to let your child look up to someone. I didn't even know, till now, that it is wrong. I can understand that you wouldn't want a child to look up to you or Bush. But suggesting that a decent and well respect person should not be looked up to? That to me is just crazy. :crazy:

    Are you suggesting we lock up our kids and beat them if they admire someone or see them as a role model? Should we bare arms and kill those decent, honest, hard working role models too?


    I missed where I blamed someone too? You'll have to enlighten me.

  6. They are shutting down track all over the place here too.


    The claim is that track damage by the "larger" 4wd tyres is eroding the bush. Off road, mainly 2 stroke, bikes are also being blamed for track closures because of noise.


    I will agree that I have seen some pretty bad track damage. I have been able to drive tracks one week only to go there the week after and not even travel a couple of metres in without getting stuck, that's how badly chewed up and rutted they became. Some people just have no idea what 4wding is about. When you get stuck, get out of the car and find away to recover it. Don't just sit there revving the sh!t out of it and chewing the track to bits.. I have even heard that some idiots use chains on their tyres. You want to degrade a track? Chains will do it quicker than anything else. It is people like this that ruin it for everyone.

  7. Back the truck up man, they are not paid to be role models. What idiot fans decide they are is entirely from the fan. That is why a lot of the "bad" role-model types are still there. They are paid to play, that's it.


    I beg to differ.


    They are paid to be role models, and paid very well indeed. The more 'honest and decent' they are the more marketable they become. Large companies are only too willing to associate their product with success and spend mega $$$ on endorsements. Tarnish or even taint that image and the money soon goes away.


    I don't know about sports in the US, perhaps that is different there from most other parts of the world when it comes to what is expected of sports persons off the field, so to speak.

    As for the idiot fans, I am not talking about fans. I am talking about the athlete that has excelled, the athlete that has his or her face everywhere, the athlete that "kids" aspire to be like, the role model they "have" become, like it or not. Role models are looked up to by impressionable kids, not adults. Adults have favourites from there team usually and would mind if so and so defected to our side, we don't aspire to be like them though, do we?. Kids just don't see it like that. Haven't you noticed that kids don't care what race car is driven, what place or team 'their' role model comes from? They just want to be like that... That's why the bad role model is a bad role model.

  8. I voted no.


    Make it mandatory for all athletes (just don't call them athletes anymore) to take drugs, that way sport will be fair. The guys that put the effort in (what a waste of time) just to get beaten by a cheat on drugs will not be able to complain like "crybaby purists" any longer. Loosing will be their own fault. Athletes of all nations should have the right to protect themselves, and joining the drug club is the most logical way to do it. I'd go so far as to say there should be a law demanding that they do so too.


    I am compelled to use something from another thread to illustrate the logic I am using.. I haven't the time to change the wording but the message is the same.




    Now I have had my fun, I will talk seriously..


    These guys get paid millions of $$$$$ to ride their hearts out, to train, to workout, to be the best they can be, and most importantly, to be role models. Missing a drug test is a huge no no, and let's not forget he didn't seek to have a make up test either, and he should have. Off season.... this is professional sport, there is no off season. Why should someone be able to enhance their bodies ability with means other than hard work? What next, cut out people all together and have robots do all of the work?



    "getting kicked out bothers me because it was all caused by a lie not doping. as to him missing drug tests, if it's outside of the tour i'm good with that too. if he is clean at every stop then wtf? i just don't like these kind of excertions of power over people's lives."


    It was his own team mates that kicked him out, other athletes, athletes that worked hard to get where they are. I think they did the right thing. It certainly sets an example.


    Keep it in perspective too. There is multi million $ sponsorships to be won or lost. Any cloud over a person that misses a test could cost the team everything. Besides that, drugs in sport is bad, as is drug taking socially re you and I, and companies don't want a bar of it.


    It is hard enough worrying about my kids and the choice that they might make when they are confronted with drugs. I'd hate to see open acceptance of it in any form. It would mean that my drilling them for years about the dangers..... I just don't want to even think about it.

  9. Switch on the dash doesn't light up, but it never has as long as I've owned the truck. I'll try to find some electrical connections to the compressor. I'm guessing that a wiring harness would extend back to the relay box on the driver side? I'm guessing that if I push the switch inside the cab, then the "green wire" would show 12V, correct?


    Where is the pressure switch? That sounds like something good to check also...I don't mind taking this into an A/C guy, but I'd like to have a better idea of what's wrong before a mechanic suggests that I replace every element of the A/C circuit. Thanks for the help.


    It is just a globe in the button but I thought it was worth a mention as it might be indicative of a faulty button.


    Your compressor will have 'one' wire only running to it. It has a connection at the compressor. Check it at that location.

    The pressure switch is near the radiator, engine bay side, on a silvery pipe. You should be able to follow the pipe work from the firewall to locate it and it will have two wires running to it... I don't know if the US models are the same as the AU models so someone local should be able to help you better if I am wrong.

  10. A stone/rock a bad repair or even bitumen (hot) stuck in the tyre tread can make such noises. If you can't see anything, as is sometimes the case with a bulging tyre, rotate it and see if the noise moves too. I'd check that before you start pulling it apart. Just a thought.

  11. You are about to experience true Pathfinder love. A love that can only be derived by owning a two door. No longer will you have to look in envy every time you see one pass by, wanting one desperately, as is the want of those that don't have a two door. Yes, the original and by far the best looking of all Pathfinders is yours now. Sleep well, sleep well.

  12. If nothing at all happens, check that the wire (green one here) is connected to the compressor or that the connection is not dirty, thus making a bad contact. Also check the wires at the pressure switch. If all is OK, check to see if it is live when you switch it. If it livens up, then the problem isn't electrical. It may mean a new compressor and a re gas.


    Does the switch light up at least when you depress the button?





    You can bypass the pressure switch to check if it is faulty.

  13. IMG_5831.jpg




    1. turning radius to the left sucks. like barely turned out when at steering lock. draglink issue or steering stop? didnt check either cause i was too excited to get it out and wash it.


    2. still gotta long arm it. not to bad, got all crossmember and link material.


    3. gotta put the stock sway back on. sways like a mutha around corners.


    4. not really a problem, but still gotta bump the front.


    enough of this internet @!*% im gonna go drink a few and celebrate!


    You have got yourself a real off road monster there.


    Looks like the old girl is toeing in too much. Correct that and it should turn properly.


    How does it feel into corners with the negative caster angles? Are you able to adjust them?

  14. Though I am loathed to look at particular postings here I did notice that someone doesn't know his facts and used South Africa as an example of how gun control doesn't work.

    We all know about the inherent poverty that is inflicted upon a massive section of the populous. We all know that poverty leads to desperation and that desperation leads to lawlessness especially when that poverty is of a 3rd. world, or even lower, rating.

    I like the loose term "gun control" when SA is used.... "Gun Control" Yeah, you just have to be able to walk to qualify for a gun in South Africa. You can get a gun anywhere, legally too. That's not gun control by any stretch. To use South Africa as an example of gun control, when it has never really know it and is only now trying to implement it, is absurd! Not at least unexpected though given the level of intellect used to forward agendas here.


    Here are some stats, actual facts that just might interest some here. http://www.gca.org.za/GunsinSA/Statistics/...34/Default.aspx


    Seems, even with all of the poverty, lawlessness, racial tensions and hatreds between various tribes that the murder rate is falling.... I say it seems to be falling because they are trying to implement gun control.


    What does it say about the ratio of legal as opposed to illegal guns used in crime? "Four out of five of the guns used were licensed firearms."


    Some people would have America look like South Africa is today by saying more guns are needed. Look what more guns did for them.


    What a joke!


    Some more to wrap your head around.





    These little bits of information might educate some more.


    My favourite quote....... "A UN Commission shows that owning a gun in South Africa increases your chances of being a victim because criminals target those carrying guns. Further, the proliferation of illegal and legal firearms in South Africa is increasingly creating a culture, especially amongst the young that a gun is a normal and fashionable accessory. The paradox of gun ownership is that carrying a gun may make you feel safer, but it actually increases the chances of other types of victimisation of yourself and others."

  15. Like I said earlier... Gun control is much like speed limits or devices that control the way traffic behaves. It doesn't stop you from driving a car and gun control doesn't stop you from having a gun.

    If a stretch of road has an exceptional amount of road trauma, it is scrutinised and recommendations are put forward followed by devices set to curb that trauma. It might be a simple reduction in speed limits on that particular stretch of road... It could be a set of traffic lights. Whatever the resolution, something has been done. If nothing was done to curb the carnage, there would be outrage, and rightfully so. You wouldn't funnel even more vehicles onto the dangerous stretch of road would you? Some people here would suggest that an unsupervised school crossing would solve the problem. The argument would be that there are little kids so people would drive differently. When the first lot of little kiddies get mowed down, they'd simply suggest more unsupervised crossings. Why? for the same reason they suggested it in the first place. Surely you wouldn't tolerate such stupidity would you? Why then is there no outrage about gun trauma?


    I don't know.. does this not make any sense at all to anyone? Is the analogy I draw too simple?


    So far not one skerrick of evidence has been put forward that proves your gun laws are reasonable or responsible in their current form. We can agree that not a single measure has been put in place to try and curb gun trauma either. On the other hand, taking the VT thread into account, plenty of factual evidence supporting gun control and the positive outcomes that follow implementation has been put forward.


    I have asked the questions. I have not had one answered. As usual!

  16. Ironman used to make them (as fitted to my beast) but as of last month stopped producing them. I may be forced to upgrade to a F100 coil due to changed towing / load requirements.




    Mine cost all of $10 second hand. Lifted the rear between 3 to 4 inches though, not two. Keep in mind that the rears were original and may have sagged.

  17. One problem is that that is not the case - "non-life threatening" calls have turned out to be otherwise (see the CT home invasion robbery of two days ago).


    Another problem with this idea is that I've been in shooting incidents in Dallas. The police took 15 minutes to get to me each time. Non-emergency? I think not.


    Please don't be offended if I no longer reply to your posts. It is not that I don't like you.. I just don't find anything you put forward credible. A little too much crying wolf.



  18. If you really think calling 911 will get you a policeman in time, you're smoking something. Here's just one example:




    "In Cardenas' case, police took 2 hours and 17 minutes to respond to a call. "


    "For Chad and Brooke Lindsey, it took 4 hours for police to respond."


    Oh, and per the US Supreme Court, the police actually have NO legal requirement to actually come out when you call 911. Think about that.



    I hope others bothered to actually read the link....

    It is about response times to non emergency calls. Not life threatening situations as would be implied. And of those..... only 7% of response times are slow.


    A direct quote.....

    "A call from an alarm company is considered a priority three, so it's often held until the other calls are answered."


    It's fair to surmise that the real emergencies are responded to immediately.

  19. As a future parent, and a high school teacher, I am also shocked at some things our country does or allows - and I am sometimes downright scared about raising kids in today's society. My wife and I rarely ever watch movies anymore (or TV for that matter, except Man vs. Wild and Dirty Jobs!) because everything is about crime, war, death and destruction, sex, drugs, murder, you name it. I grew up with the Dukes of Hazard and The Cosby Show - kids today are growing up with CSI, The Sopranos, Desperate Housewives, etc.


    The media surely does not care about social impact - they are after the all important dollar, because this stuff sells. But they are so going down the wrong path. Has anyone ever read the book "Running Man"? It's about a society that takes reality to extremes - killing for entertainment, just like the days of the gladiators. So far, our media are paralleling this trend all too closely.


    All of this violence in our culture, whether it be TV, movies, music, or games, DOES have an impact. And what is being done about it? As far as I can tell, absolutely nothing. Sure, it is entertaining to some; and yes, I play Ghost Recon and Battlefield2, and do enjoy a good action flick here and there - but that's only because I know they are fictional. There's so much of it out there that I wonder if some kids don't know what is fictional and what is reality.


    My point is - I was raised by real, caring, and responsible adult parents. My children will be raised the same way. If this were the case for everyone (and being a teacher I know it is FAR from it), we would be a much more peaceful, respectable, and democratic society rather than the war-mongering, fear-mongering, crime-ridden one we are today. And now we are stuck with very few options and poor voter turnout as ways of changing the way our country is run.


    As to how this relates to gun control... it's all about respect. Respect for the gun, respect for the law, and respect for one another. This has to be learned at an early age, and drilled into the youth of America, so we can stop violence. If you respect guns, you shouldn't have to take them away.


    I agree with 99% of what you said. We are certainly desensitised about violence in this couldn't care less, I'm alright, bugger you Jack world.


    Being a teacher, you are in the front row when it comes to assessing how parenting skills, or lack there of, are reflected upon their children.


    I don't know how it is in the US but I can tell you how it is here.... Parents have NO RIGHTS when it comes to their children. If I pissfarted about when I was young, I got a foot up the arse. It was that simple.. That foot could have come from my teacher, my neighbour, the local shop owner or a complete stranger. It certainly gave you boundaries and a healthy respect for those around you.

    If you even look at you kids funny nowadays they can have the cops on you in a heart beat. Boundaries..... not anymore... Respect for others... pick a window. Being so politically correct has meant that our youth of today... I just shuddered... have no idea. It's just ME ME ME and I want! What's worse is that todays youth are tomorrows leaders.


    Respect for guns?? How about taking them away and when your respect for others and your behaviour has been proven, then, and only then, may you have one.

  20. reading the above, i may be misunderstood, but some posts partly indicate that so many americans have guns because they "live in fear". I disagree. Yes, i believe every rich mofo with a $5 million dollar house has a few guns stashed around ... but i have always had guns. i enjoy a nice day at the shooting range to pop off a few clips, and i also used to frequent a friends large, remote property in the woods up north where we would target/game shoot. I also shot game in England. guns to me are 99% recreational. (i fear i am part of the minority here)

    however, around here in CA, i would say the ratio of "unlawful guns" to "lawfully held" guns is about 2/1 ... laws are getting stricter, but, unfortunately, the illegal guns are already out there. These are the guns that need to be retrieved.

    I know in our county, we have annual "weapons surrender" week, where anyone can drop off illegal weapons, of any kind, with no questions asked. In the past couple of years, i noticed more illegal guns/weapons were being turned in. I wish this was conducted more often than 2 times a year.

    Funny, I have never actually kept my gun in an accessible place in case of robbery in my house.. i have other "things" stashed around my house for protection. I figure, if the burglar can overpower me, then my own gun COULD be used against me.... and i'm sorry, i will NOT allow that to happen.(1 death, and 1 more illegal gun on the streets) I can more than likely survive being stabbed or hit with a bat, a bullet at point blank however, is sure to cause my demise.

    illegal guns will always be out there, en mass, but it's the hands that hold these guns that i do not trust.


    *runs off to hide now*


    Come out from your hiding spot Slick. That was very well orated. :beer:


    I especially liked your maturity and ability to think logically about your own weapon and the very real possibility that it may be used on you.


    The living in fear comment was made by me in the first instance. I was referring to numerous replies that were in the VT thread that eluded to fear being a factor for having a gun.

    Even in this thread here, it is more than evident that fear, even paranoia, plays a real role in the gun debate. Fear mongering is the only hand some people can play. So they push it for all its worth. Facts and figures mean nothing at all to this side of the argument. It is ugly, unfounded and even embarrassing but is is a part of the debate.


    As happened here with gun control, the criminals kept them. They go on a rampage every now and then killing each other. The cops pick up and destroy their guns and the coroner picks up their bodies.. I think that's a pretty good way of killing two birds with the one stone.


    Illegal gun crime, to 2003, only accounts for 16% of gun crime. The other 84% is carried out by legal guns. Food for thought. :aok:

  21. The Aussie law on handgun licensing looks very much like the one here in CT. Sidearms are required to be concealed, and there are EXTENSIVE background checks and you are required to pass a state certified firearm safety course. You are, though allowed to own semi automatic rifles.

    V6, I hope that comment about the amount of ammunition carried by American troops in Iraq wasn't a dig. The whole "one shot one kill" thing in combat is a load of crap. The last thing you want when there are unfriendlies trying to to do to you, what you're trying to do to them, is to run out of ammo. But anyway, I think I'll bow out of this discussion before I make new enemies, this is supposed to be a friendly forum and this post can go nowhere but downhill.


    I am just trying to make sense of your weapons culture. It seems to be a "blaze away" culture, and from the very top (shock and awe) down. It is encouraged. The NRA encourages it??

    I wasn't having a dig at Iraq. Sorry if you thought I was. Iraq is a dirty word but don't forget.. We are involved in that illegal mess to our eyeballs too.


    As far as what my mate said.... He had grave concerns. I will not say anything further, as what was said to me WILL offend.



    The one shot one kill line isn't crap either. Travel light and and move quickly... Common sense. You're special forces will back this line of thinking up too. It is how we (AU) train them. Aussie soldiers must positively identify the target before they take action on it. It saves lots of bullets and a lot of unnecessary casualties. I like that.



    This is a friendly forum. If you post in good will and steer clear of certain postings that set out to provoke people, then there will be no reason for it to go downhill.

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