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Vsicks Pathy

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Posts posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. Hey fellow aussie's , got a question for ya's . Just bought the miss's a 91 4door terrano and wanted to know who make the highest locally made spring for the rear. I myself put pedders on my 2 door but thats only because I was working there at the time.... any help guys


    cheers Lee


    F100 spring fit. I have them on mine.

  2. * I am a shooter and agree that limits need to be imposed for safety of the people.


    Gun control is Australia is also a "sore" point. Yes Australia has had some major mass shootings and the laws have been tightened up. To buy a gun in Australia can be difficult.


    To gain a shooter licence..


    * Must have a valid reason.. Personal protection is not vaild. Sporting shooters are allowed and encouraged by the firearms act's but they must have evidence of permission to shoot on private property or be a member of a registed gun club.


    * Must pass a convictions check.


    * Must have valid referances.


    * Semi automatic centrefire firearms are banned unless you hold a "d" licence. These are almost impossible to get unless you are a professional shooter.


    * Pistol licences are also VERY difficult to get with a full ban on semi automatic pistols.


    * You must be able to demonsrate a secure storage facility with bolts and ammo held seperatly.


    * You must pass a state approved safety course run by the local firearms officer.


    * All firearms must be registed.


    Semi-automatic center fire rifles are designed for a battlefield not for civilian use. They are designed to increase the kill rate. One shot one kill moto for hunting is the humane way. If you need to take a second shot, fast, then you need LOTS more practice at the rifle range.


    Most of these items have been put in place on knee jerk reactions. The basis of these laws have a common sense approach but the one thing that fails the system is that crooks still have guns. The current statics state that there were 3 times the amount of knife based murders than shootings and of these 90% where illegally owned.


    The law system in Australia does'nt have a bill of rights and I believe it is a better system. We are intitled to complete freedom to do whatever we fell like unless a law has been written to cover that behavior. The Amercian system of a bill of rights works the wrong way in that the only rights you have are the ones the government has given you. Amercia the land of the not so free and not so Equal.


    That's it, Australia's gun control in a nut shell. Much like speeding limits on our roads when you look at it. Controls put in place to keep the toll down; be them speed limits, roundabouts or speed humps. I don't like them but they are there and we all do our best to comply.


    An interesting point here is "One shot one kill moto for hunting". It was taken from the Australian Armies moto of 'one shot one kill'. A mate of mine recently got back from Iraq and was amazed with the amount of ammo carried by US troupes. He said it explained why they couldn't cover much ground.. They carried too much weight. The US soldiers were equally amazed by how little ammo was carried by the Aussies. I then found this.... Link


    The personal comments are your own re knee jerk reaction etc.... Re the bill of rights.... LOOK OUT! you will probably feel the wrath of some on this board for them.

  3. Perhaps we should start with some bottom line numbers.


    How many murders per year do we have that involve guns?


    How many accidental shootings per year do we have?


    How many crimes per year are committed with guns?


    Are there any other stats to be taken into consideration that involve guns?


    What are acceptable numbers for any or all of those stats?


    What is the current estimated population of the US, and what percentage of that population are either murdered, accidentally shot or robbed at gunpoint(for example) per year?


    I'd take the time to do the research Steve, but I really do have better things to do than web-hop looking for stats on something that's really a moot point anyway due to left-leaning, right-leaning or backwards-leaning statisticians that may or may not be proven right or wrong on the spot by conflicting information from somewhere else on the web. It's not really my idea of a good time, know what I mean?


    It takes all of two seconds to get that info. I have it already.. Keeping to facts is easy too. Though stuff like this artical is factual, you can see the direction that the "assembler" is leaning. I prefer to collect data from reputable agencies. Not only is data available straight away, it isn't tainted with personal agendas either.

  4. I appreciate your opinion, and in a perfect world, I believe eliminating all guns would be great. Getting rid of guns wouldn't change anything. Humans have been killing each other since the beginning of time. Guns just happen to be the most efficient way of doing it available right now. Eliminate guns and humans will just find another way of killing each other. Unfortunately it's just human nature. I am a gun enhusiast, but I don't think that sways my view. If the government outlaws guns, only outlaws will have guns. I know that sounds cliche, but it's true. I'm an enthusiast, but I don't carry. I think it's more trouble than it's worth. Just my 2 cents. Not trying to start a firefight... sorry, I couldn't help it.


    Ok, off the top of your head... What would be used to kill up to.... say, 30 people in one sitting because you lost your temper?


    As far as illegal guns go.. how many do you think are out there? I would surmise that there is around one illegal weapon for every legal one. Does that sound about right?


    As I said earlier, I don't have an opinion either way on this issue, more so because I don't like people losing their rights. For this reason I am neither for or against the notion of gun control. But I am saying that gun control works as a matter of fact. Why? Because it worked here and has worked in other countries too.

    You guys live in fear of being shot, and because of that very reason you need a gun to protect yourselves. If no one can see an endless cycle with that reasoning, then, IMO, they are blind. It is fear that compels you to arm yourself. Just look at the replies and that becomes obvious. I have never know such fear. Even before we had gun control, that fear was never there. We still have guns here. I could apply to the correct authorities and get a gun license after all mandatory checks are completed. We just don't have guns that are capable of killing en mass anymore. Sure, the criminals still have them..... So what! They spend most of the time killing each other with them. Even that is becoming rearer here too.


    At the end of the day, looking at alternatives is better than doing nothing at all, which is what you guys have been doing.


    Surely after another shooting you guys ask yourselves.. Again? Why? How? Why don't you ask how to stop it from happening in the first place?

  5. Something else to think about.... Old (2003) but valid none the less.



    40. Ms Rhiannon to move—


    That this House:


    (a) recognises that Harvard University research shows that:


    (i) only two of the world’s 10 deadliest mass shootings were carried out with illegal weapons—those at Port Arthur in 1996 and Columbine High School, Colorado, in 1999, and


    (ii) 86% of mass shootings conducted around the world during the past 35 years were committed by lawful gun owners,


    Yes, I know... We say a 'massacre' even when only two people are killed. That's gun control for you.

  6. Here's an example of the public having guns being a good thing...


    I remember a time in Texas before you could legally carry a loaded pistol in your vehicle. In Houston the criminals could pretty much take(carjack) any car they pleased, as long as they had a gun and didn't see any cops around.


    As long as they had a what?


    As for your subtle attack on k9, he is a big boy and will answer that.



    This is a politics, religion, blah blah blah topic. Everyone is right and wrong and noone is about to give in or change anyones mind. The comment about the constitution just being a piece of paper is about like me saying gun control in Australia is a good thing in your case, because you are all just descendants of criminals and thus more prone to violence and can't be trusted with deadly weapons. Not nice. :stickwack: I do agree about the Bush tho. He's a classic douche bag.


    I beg to differ. This is not a politics, religion or a blah blah blah topic. This is a topic which exceeds that. I am sure that those victims of gun related crime/violence would agree. Yes, I agree, opinions are never right or wrong. So use some facts in this topic and move it away from 'your' opinion V's mine. That is what I am waiting for. Let's see if facts can change peoples minds.


    The quote is "just a goddamned piece of paper" and is a direct quote from George W Bush, your president elect.


    No matter how you think gun control came about here in Australia, you have to admit, it works. Just look at the facts, they're pretty impressive.

  7. At this point, banning guns in the US makes as much sense as banning Cane Toads in your neck of the woods.... There are so many illegal guns that they could never be eliminated.


    Wishing a problem to go away won't help. It's already illegal to use a firearm in the commission of a crime. What good has that done? It's illegal to have a handgun in NYC or Washington DC. What good has that done.


    Wishes and fantasies are fun, but only a complete moron will believe they will change reality.


    Funny you should use the cane toad as a comparison. We are doing everything possible to eradicate the cane toad.


    I keep hearing the same old story here. "Illegal guns" You seem to forget that they were legal once. Do any of you ever give that notion any thought at all?


    Has anyone bothered to see what gun control actually is? You can still own a gun in Australia you know.

  8. What happens to the monies invested in guns to date if they're all banned? Do people simply have to give up the products they've paid so much for? Are there reparations for relinquishing one's weapons to the government? I don't think many people would stand for that.


    I think gun control should involve personal responsibility and limitations on types and numbers of weapons purchased legally in the US. Banning all kinds and types of weapons won't get you anywhere, the general population is spread across how many umpteen million square miles of land over here? Hunting is fairly big over here in Oregon, my brother goes for deer and elk, pheasant and quail, etc. I think the deer population would explode if there were no hunters out there culling the herds. We've already killed off most of the wolves, coyotes and other natural predators for those dopey Bambis. It's dangerous enough driving around at night with drunks and cellphone users driving head-on into opposing traffic...tons of insurance claims from deer hits would raise everyone's rates. Lovely.


    So, IMHO, at the very least...hunting weapons should be allowed with exceptions to some types of weapons not really necessary for such activities (50 cal BMG? Automatics? For DEER? Sheesh.)


    Interesting stuff from justfacts.com on gun control stats...

    Old info I admit, but interesting to know.


    1995 article with some gun control info...



    Note I'm saying "info", not "facts". I can't prove or disprove any of it, but it's out there.


    Richard W. Stevens is the editor of the Firearms Sentinel. He also appeared on television programs and radio talk shows across the USA, discussing Dial 911 and Die, the right to keep and bear arms. So, I wonder what way he leans? Seems to me he leans so far he might often fall over.

    I must admit that I didn’t get too far past his first argument (re his graph) with regard to research. He states that research didn’t occur in the 60’s. I couldn’t for the life of me see where anyone said that any research was from the period. Not even his reference note went back to the 60's.

    It was just a little to short on facts for me too.

  9. My personal opinion.... if criminals want to have guns, they will find a way to get them. People who hunt for sport should be allowed tio do so but you don't need an uzi to hunt squirrels. Let's keep the firepower within limits. Those who own guns for so-called 'home safety', in my opinion, are idiots. They jeopardize their family and aggravate an already potentially dangerous situation. Many of the school shootings etc are done with 'dads guns' and are rarely long rifles (which are most common for hunting purposes) Who's gonna try to knock a quail with a .38 and be fairly successful?


    anyway... I have my own means of home protection and do not need the added worry of firearms in my home that my kids could potentially get their hands on or... even worse... make my home a bigger target for drug addict assholes who are looking to steal a gun to go commit a robbery to support their addiction.


    Ain't nothing you can use here... move along. I hear the house a few doors down has a nice 9mm.


    :stickwack: No fighting with you on this one k9. It saddens me but makes me happy at the same time. lol.

  10. maybe from 2002-present but heres a lil tid bit from a pro gun control website






    I dont think I would try to start a debate by provoking people...it will just turn into a nasty little thing and get closed and nothing gained but more anti v6 folks...


    I spoke what I thought over in the initial vote thread...but I didn't really think the US had the biggest gun problems thats the only reason I researched..granted the information is old it shows that it could be a developing problem but hasn't always been a major problem...


    plus America is kind of built around firearms and war for that matter...just look at the american revolution and civil war pretty much a foundation that required firearms...violence will never seize guns or no guns...


    if guns were banned...something would replace it...people would still have them and IMO very little would be accomplished


    also found this to be pretty interesting...are guns really the problem?


    non-firearm homicides

    firearm related homicide



    I am curious as to why you used stats with 10 or more deaths as mass murder. Still, even with skewed figures like that, the US accounts for 50%. Mass murder is 4 and over isn't it? Just school shootings alone, if you want to maneuver the numbers, look like this.. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0777958.html This is for the whole world too I might add.


    I'd watch "Bowling for Columbine" if you think the the USA's revolution and civil war are good reasons to kill each other. Dozens of other countries have far more violent histories than America, yet don't kill each other like you do.


    As for the little quote about your constitution, take issue with Bush, not me. :itsallgood:

  11. I know you constitution gives you the right to bare arms. But let’s not forget that your constitution is “just a goddamned piece of paper!” after all, and given what you as a nation has given up, obviously stands for nothing nowadays. I have no opinion either way on gun control either except to say that facts support that gun control works. I have no real opinion at all on how many guns you must own in order to make you feel like a real man, woman or child either. If you feel you must have a weapon to feel safe, then I can't help but feel sorry for you.


    I wasn’t going to make any comments at all when the VT thread finally made its appearance. I have to say that I was astonished to read, here on this site, that some of you actually think that more guns, concealed at that, would have made a difference. That, to me, defied logic on any level and surely must be a real slap in the face to all of those that lost loved ones in these abhorrent events that seem to occur all too often in the US. So I decided to find out why some of you think this way just to get BS like this from people like… let’s leave them unnamed. But take this example. I am fear mongering. Because I put up 18 links that pointed out that what he says is nonsense (his nonsense is kids being killed no less), is actually happening to the tune of 3,500 or so deaths a year. I am a fear monger???? I admit that facts are scary. So please.. No more BS.


    Long story short; It pains me read about innocent people that die en mass over and over again in your schools, in your streets and shopping centres. It pains me more that nothing is done to fix the problem.


    Gun Control!


    Ban guns like we did here in OZ. Will it help? I think it will only because it has worked so well here. Enlighten me, and those that think like me, as to why gun control wouldn’t work in the US.


    So here we are. Let’s see what comes out in the wash then.

  12. So.. The idea is the solenoid is getting enough juice to partially work? but not enough to fully work... You know at one point they had an after market alarm hooked up and it might have had an inhibitor relay... I wonder if when they took the alarm out they messed something up with the ignition wires.. I suppose I should take a gander under the dash and around the steering column.. I might find some poorly spliced ignition wires..




    Good luck with it.

  13. I don't think you have a "starter" relay. Then again, I don't know anything about the Nissan V6. But the clicking is your solenoid. It could be as you said, a bad wire or connection but I'd be leaning toward your ignition switch being the problem. :shrug:

  14. I don't need any guns. I use my charm and good looks to deter vandals and other scum.




    the assembly of bits and pieces or real information in order to tell a story that the assembler wants to tell is exactly what newspapers and other media agencies do for a living. Then, people pick and choose their resources to base their arguments on and claim 'facts'. This is one way that opposing viewpoints can be based in fact and be nearly opposites of each other. Can you say FOX News? sure. Anyway... in the spirit of slinging out of context bits and pieces.... I offer this:




    now... back to your corners before I have to draw my raiper


    What you say about popular media is correct if the assembler has an agenda.

    I don't steer away from "popular media stories or editorials" even though this is where the bending of the truth usually surfaces. If you read and receive your information from other sources then chances are you smell the rat. But I do prefer using analytical data for issues such as this whenever possible. Data from analytical sources has been collected over time, not in the blink of an eye. For this reason the data is relied on as fact as opposed to speculation or a one off event. I mean, for learned people such as ourselves popular media isn't really an issue. We have taken the time to know the full story. It becomes an issue when you don't know the full story and some hack comes along and tells you only the little bits that suit them. As stated, most of these people have personal agendas, bias or loathing for something or someone. Yes, like Fox... And no, I can't say FOX news... not without gagging anyway. lol If we all watch and listen to that "news service" we would find that are winning a legal war on terror. My real concern, and it is evident here, is that people just do not read, or worse, don't understand what a fact is. People here ignore facts, and when confronted by them...... Well, you don't hear from them again on said topics, do you? These are the blowhards that 88 so affectionately calls me. These are the people that are yelling and screaming, forcing opinions down others peoples throats. Throw a fact this way... just one fact would be nice. The 'assembler', as I will call him (good word k9), say this "If I'm wrong, please point me to a thread, started by V6 on his political views that he will actually listin to other peoples input." I'd ask him to show me where anyone put up an argument based in fact that I could listen to.

    This too. This is his idea of how a fact is born? "Although the majority of your "facts" are indead facts.. lets remember what a Fact is.. its when two peopel agree on something. THATS IT I work with facts every day that i disprove." He would want me to take anything he said seriously? Based on what?


    And for getting on with it I offer this...



    Shot at 2005-09-15

  15. Thanks bro, seen that topic and been on the jap site but its so frigin confusing....


    Fire fox lets you translate it. I don't know if IE does or not.


    I will be getting an adjustable panhard from that site soon enough. I will let you know how the shopping experience went. If it all goes well, I will get flares from there too.


    How are you going with your fine looking Pathfinders on road issues?

  16. LMFAO!!!


    Damn, you people can let a poll by V6 about if he should start a topic turn into a 'friendly' arguement?




    Lets discuss what people can post on the intarweb, in an OFF TOPIC forum...




    Shall we define what to read and how to avoid disagreeing/becoming irate with someone elses views/opinions?



    No question for me. Post away V6, just keep it clean. Same rules as always.


    Oh, I just bought another gun.... A Sig Sauer, damn those Krauts make nice machinery!! :clap:




    You are insatiable B. lol

  17. i will no longer be visiting threads such as these.





    I'd hate for anyone else to just cut and paste bits and pieces so as to take everything out of context like you just did. It is painfully obviously that you have not bothered to read the VT thread or understand anything that was written there, but perhaps others did. You must read the whole thread then so the points made will be taken in context. As I said in the VT thread.. any tosser can take tidbits to make something look like it is something else. You tried just now to do the same thing. Failed miserably too I might add. Shame on you.

    I fail to see why you'd even bother to post when you said you wont? What was your point?


    If this is the sort or crap that the proposed thread will be full of then I shan't bother doing it.


    Please, stick to your word! Don't reply either, I really don't want to hear it.



    If a mod wants to warn me or edit this retort, then I'd ask them to remove the reason for it.

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