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Vsicks Pathy

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Posts posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. now now mz... let's not get into the definition of what a fact is and why some people refuse to accept them, real or not. We've been down this road way too many times. Problem is, when two people base their opinions on (for lack of better word) 'facts' from opposing sources, it does seem to degrade into a pissing match. Most recently (relatively) however, I have to give V6 credit for refraining from his early mode of badgering and name calling. Most of us who partook (is that a real word?) in those threads did our share of it as well. Anyhow... bottom line is just as stated... be your own censor. pick your battles. state your opinion, don't force it upon others. have another beer. smack slick in the back of the head for writing all over the walls. and any other meaningless words of wisdom you can think of. :)


    oh lookie... another thread to go read. (see how easy it is? hehehehe)



    Stop it! I am feeling the love. And that aint right! lol.

  2. Gee, all of this and it is only a question of whether or not to. lol!

    At least some have a genuine interest. One or two have started the debate already. That is a good sign.


    No need for anyone to get their knickers in a knot. The subject matter is not a topic yet. It is up for the members of this board (of which I am one too) to decide whether or not I start the thread. It is not being pushed down anyone throat.

    As for being condescending? If putting facts where bullsh!t once sat is condescending, then so be it. It is a two way street and I in fact try to encourage people to put FACTS forward.


    I have been banned from this site before. So other members asking for it to happen doesn't impress. Believe it or not, I was banned the first time for saying two door Pathies are better than four door Pathies. lol. My how facts get me into trouble. lol. Warnings! I have had heaps of them too! SO using passive aggressive blackmail to have my postings removed or censored doesn't move or impress me. I hung around NPORA for a bit before I decided to become a member. The membership number I was assigned was 50. If I had of become a member straight away, I figure I'd come in just under SW's membership mumber. Mmmm; That is a long way back. I love it when I read that people have been here for several years, it really puts things in perspective.


    You guys have choices.... as K9 said said in his reply, though I do take exception as to the reference of my being a nut. Keep in mind K9, you have never cracked this nut. lol.



    88 says this??? "Vsicks, quit being such a blowhard. 'Yelling' your opinion at anyone who reads it and arguing with everybody will only result in ostracization and after a while nobody will take what you say seriously. You're not changing any minds. You're not making any difference. You're just starting pissing matches between people thousands of miles and whole different societies apart."


    A blowhard? Yelling my opinion?? Arguing? You will have to explain why you said these things. Putting up facts is not arguing. My opinion is quite neutral actually. I could care less at who has a gun and who hasn't. I asked a question that the WHOLE WORLD ASKED (yet again). What of gun control?


    Pissing match? Please.


    MZ "pissing matches? lol.. not at all.. hardly anyone here is capable to actually having a toe to toe with v6.. or they never try. i never see any "facts" from anyone but him. that's not a pissing match.. that's game over. some just can't take it any of the ways. that's the hillarious part man."


    I think it's funny anyway. lol



    MZ, and I quote, again... "the second part, yup but the reason he get's that way and gets what seems condensending, is because many here have a real lack of argumentative skills. he eggs you on and instead of getting into a real debate (that's a back and forth exchange of ideas and "proofs") some here quickly either try to silence him or stoop down to name calling and the like. put on your critical thinking caps, ok?"


    Too easy mz. Though debating skills are a more appropriate term.


    I am going to give it a week before I looked at the votes.

  3. This is an easy one.


    Seems that the VT thread, though for my mind was prematurely locked, still gets a lot people looking at it.


    I was thinking, seeing how the VT thread got "off topic"??? (one of the reasons it was locked) that perhaps we could start a brand new thread to see the reasons for and against.


    So, it will be a yes or no poll.

  4. there is no emissions laws here, so anything goes

    a v8 WILL fit, just dont know if i wanna go that route yet.....

    and i'm on a budget, so anyhting you can throw at me will help



    I can offer you nothing to get a Nissan 4cyl engine pumping without spending a swag of hard earned.


    Keep in mind that you can put in any engine combo into your 720. Your divorced transfer case gives you plenty of options.


    If you don't want a V8, try a Buick V6 and gearbox. They are cheep and easy to come by. Steer clear of the Nissan V6 though. It is just as gutless as the 4cyl. IMO of course.

  5. I was driving to work last Thursday when my pathfinder died while i was coasting at about 30mph. i did not know till i reached the a curve and found that my steering was hard. I pulled over started it back up reved it and let it idle and it was fine. Then today Monday it happened on my way back from work. I restarted it and it was fine. It has not been idling rough at all and i made a long trip over the weekend no probs and i have re-fueled since the first incident. It has been humid and I have about 199,700 :jig: miles on her. I was thinking vapor lock or something but she doesn't idle bad.


    If you have any ideals let me know


    Clean you coil, it may have carbon build up. It may also have a crack in it.

    See if it still happens... If so, move on to the next thing it could be.. Fuel pump for example.

  6. looking sharp steveo


    i think this calls for a trip over to you when your ready to test it.... :beer::D :D :D


    the current car doesnt have tooth pick steering, so some of those harder tracks could be on the cards.


    Sounds like a plan Steevo. A good plan :aok:


    What's the patrol like with the front locker?


    If you can't sell your Pathy a decide to wreck it, I'd like first bid on the disc brake arse end.


    Better keep this on topic though... Dan might lock the thread. :shiftyeyes: lol




    I thought I had a late model dash... The (wrecking) Pathy was advertised as a '96 so I flew down to take a look. Alas, it was a '94 and the same as mine.... YUK!

  7. You have not responded to a single one of my arguments. You have resorted to name calling and more fear mongering.



    Nice comeback. You arguments??? And what would they be?

    That you are John Wayne perhaps? Two in the head! PLEASE!

    That you don't care if innocent bystanders get shot by you? What did you say again? "So be it!"


    That little kids are killed to the tune of 3365 per year? FEAR MONGERING? I think not. Didn't you look at any of the links I put up? The facts are there. They all counter your idealogical perverted view on gun laws and control.


    An excerpt from a link you couldn't be bothered reading.


    # The firearm death rate among children 0-14 years old is nearly 12 times higher in the U.S. than in 25 other industrialized nations combined.

    # In 1999, 3,365 young people were killed by firearms - 9 young lives lost a day.

    # Firearms are the second-leading cause of death (after motor vehicle accidents) for young people 19 and under in the U.S.

    # For every child killed by gunfire, at least 4 are wounded.




    * In 1999, an American youth committed suicide with a firearm every 8 hours.

    * In 1999, an American youth was murdered with a firearm every 4-1/2 hours.

    * The suicide rate for children 0-14 years old is twice as high in the U.S. than in 25 other industrialized countries combined. There is no difference in the non-firearm suicide rate between the U.S. and the 25 other countries. Virtually all the difference is attributable to suicides being committed with guns in the U.S.

    * While the non-firearm-related homicide rate for children 0-14 years old in the U.S. is nearly four times the rate of the 25 other countries combined, the firearm-related homicide rate is nearly 16 times higher in the U.S. than in these same countries combined.

    * During 1999, 52% of all murders of those under age 18 in the U.S. involved firearms. In 1986, guns were involved in 38% of such offenses.


    Are you taking any of this in at all?


    I like that facts are now called fear mongering too. These little tidbits are just child deaths too. CHILD ONLY!!! The "nonsense" you spoke about remember.


    Got anything else for us? You certainly didn't have an answer to any of this did you!


    I see you lame points. I like your comparison to illegal firearms and the drug trade. In the one sentence you defeated your own argument. You of course don't realise this though do you? Shell we look at that sentence and leave out your bloodymindedness? Here it is for those who fell asleep when reading his drivel first time round and didn't get this far...


    Another point that seems to be overlooked by folks holding your line of reasoning is that outlawing any item almost always creates a black market. Think of the thriving drug trade. "Outlawing" drugs sure doesn't seem to keep drugs out of the hands of people who want them does it? Anyone could drive a couple minutes and pick up a dime bag here in Dallas anytime, but the drugs are illegal. I wonder what's wrong there? Maybe we should make drugs "extra illegal". Maybe we should have legislators hurl extra laws at the drug dealers. I'm sure that would make them stop.


    Seems that you are suggesting that gun ownership is an addiction. You compare illegal guns to how the drug trade is thriving. You don't say why the drug trade is thriving though do you? Can I again suggest something? Too late!


    * The drug trade thrives because people have ADDICTIONS!

    *It thrives because drugs are CHEAP!

    *It thrives because anyone can make or grow them.


    Lets brake this down into guns ownership now shall we?


    Does my first point apply to gun ownership? Yes or no?

    Does my second point apply to gun ownership? Yes or no?

    Does my third point apply to gun ownership? Yes or no? Please, I know it is easy to make a single shot gun with a very limited range and almost 0 accuracy. When (if) you answer this question have some common sense and answer in context.


    I will give you another fact that you seem to ignore. To buy a hand gun here in Australia on the black market expect a minimal outlay of around $5000.00+. For that you aint getting anything flash. 10 to 20k is more the norm for the better guns. How many people can afford a hand gun now? As easy to get as drugs? Perhaps. But show me the money! Keep that in mind when (if) you answer any of my arguments.


    Your arguments have been answered with facts. They were answered before you even put your point(s) across. You just didn't take the time to look, or you ignored them. You certainly haven't answered anything and as usual, I will not hold my breath waiting. Your mate Ghostpath got out when the facts couldn't be denied, best you do the same I think.


    PS. I just broke into your car and I now have an illegal weapon... THANKS man!

  8. Absolutely not. I am dead serious. I carry everywhere I am legally allowed to with my CWP in Virginia. I am required to leave my handgun in the car or at home when I have to enter a college or university. If I had been on the scene of that crime and had been allowed my constitutional right to keep and bear arms, you had better believe fewer people would have died. I believe that there are MANY others out there just like me in all of this. I know of quite a few folks at Virginia Tech who would carry if they were allowed to.




    That is precisely what I am saying. You could not have said it any clearer.




    Sure, "less guns" (it would have been more correct to say "fewer guns", but this thread is not about grammar, is it?) sounds like a good idea. I actually agree with you there. Here's where we differ. People like you tend to think "let's make guns illegal" when asked for a solution. It's a knee-jerk sort of response that is not often thought through. The problem with this sort of thinking is that it only disarms law abiding citizens. Think about it. If the cops say "turn in your guns tomorrow or else", who is going to be there turning in his/her weapons? Only good, law abiding folks. Who will not be there? Bad guys of all types. You are creating a really nice environment for non-law abiding people by removing their victim's right to defend themselves.


    Another point that seems to be overlooked by folks holding your line of reasoning is that outlawing any item almost always creates a black market. Think of the thriving drug trade. "Outlawing" drugs sure doesn't seem to keep drugs out of the hands of people who want them does it? Anyone could drive a couple minutes and pick up a dime bag here in Dallas anytime, but the drugs are illegal. I wonder what's wrong there? Maybe we should make drugs "extra illegal". Maybe we should have legislators hurl extra laws at the drug dealers. I'm sure that would make them stop.


    In the case of drugs making them legal is not the answer, but I wanted to point out the glaring fallacy in your thinking.


    Sure, "less guns" would be nice. How do you propose we do that? Unless you know of some sort of magical fairy police squadron that will disarm the bad guys along with the good guys, I don't think you have an answer. At least not a good one.




    BS. You are advocating strict gun control and then telling me you have no problem with CWP holders? HA! Those "respectable ones" holding CWPs would be the FIRST to have to turn in their firearms if (more like "when") our government totally revokes our right to keep and bear arms.




    No one is saying that. At least not in this thread. We are saying that those victims had no way to legally defend themselves against the shooter. There is a problem with that. Gun control proponents often spout off things like "guns should only be in the hands of the police and military", as if the police are an omnipresent force always there to protect us. Where were the police at VT? Why did all those people die if the police can provide the protection people like you claim they can?


    About being a "crack shot" or the chance of hitting an innocent person, just slow down and think about it. Who were ALL of the victims? Innocent people. Are you going to let fear deter you from defending human life? I hear lots of fear mongering come from folks arguing your points. Fear of innocent people getting caught up in the huge gunfights that are sure to happen if we loosen gun control laws, fear from little babies being shot accidentally when playing with firearms, and other such nonsense. I choose not to live in fear. Yes, I would have put a couple right in that guy's chest and then a couple right in his head just for good measure. If I killed and innocent bystander in the process (not likely)? So be it. It's a risk that had to be taken. Would you really argue that I should not shoot at the guy because I might accidentally hit someone as he is mowing down crowds of people with gunfire? Are you kidding? Please THINK.


    You are a fool. And a big one at that. You finish by asking us to "please THINK" when you obviously can not. Laugh! I nearly wet my pants.


    I thank you for not even trying to debunk anything I said.


    I especially like this quote, not that anything else you say has any basis in truth either..... "fear from little babies being shot accidentally when playing with firearms, and other such nonsense". My dear boy, one thinks that you do not have the capacity to read a news paper.

    Try just a sample of what's actually been happening in the REAL world of America.

    http://www.wcax.com/Global/story.asp?S=6702364 http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html...750C0A9669C8B63




    Here's one to scrutinise. You can say I TOLD YOU SO WITH THIS ONE! :wackinit:http://www.shoutwire.com/viewstory/76530/7...ousin_With_Guns





    It was just a BB gun. RIGHT! http://thetandd.com/articles/2007/04/24/ne...5a098241877.txt RIGHT!!!!! http://www.cearleylawfirm.com/news-article...ticle.asp?id=39






    Sick sh!t like this.... http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/1742807/posts


    All "nonsense" isn't it. http://www.bradycampaign.org/facts/faqs/?page=cap


    If I wanted to fill this page with your "nonsense" I could do it easily. But these are just FACTS aren't they. And facts mean nothing to a gun toting redneck like your good self.

    I was just wondering.. If you leave your gun in your car and someone just happens to break into it or steal it. Hmmm? Best to be safe rather than sorry though, isn't it? There, happy now? I just wet myself!

  9. hi,

    was just contemplating doing a swap , taking a 3L navara diesel n man box and droping it in to a 1990 diesel terrano ?

    has any one done this?

    what would be involved?

    intersted cos i can get half cuts from japan so i would have all the pices?


    Half cuts ay?


    I'd be interested in the late model dash '95 '96. I want to update my old one for a new look.


    As for the engine upgrade.... Put a 3.8ltr V6 in it. To do that you'd need a body lift. 2" will do it and it will be the same as a stock standard 4x4 Navara, and then up size you tyres. The Nissan motors are gutless and not very fuel efficient. The gearing in them is too low. You are very limited as to what mods you can do given that you are in QLD. If the engineers in QLD have the same info re a WD21 Pathfinder as the guys down south, you will not have an issue with the body lift. I got a 3" passed. They use the Navara specs on the pathy and a 3" lift looks like a 1" lift. Good stuff.

  10. nice work...What was the total time spent on doing this out of curiosity?


    Bash plate/come mounting bracket, or vise versa.


    The time to measure up where the transfer case would fit was the hardest part. It is not too big or too heavy but it was big and heavy enough to be awkward. It is nowhere near where I wanted it to finish up. I wanted it further toward the back but there just wasn't enough clearance for it. The drive train tunnel got too narrow. If you don't have a 3" BL forget this little home improvement. This took the longest amount of time. It had to be right before I started because the location dictated how it would be done. I tried it on its side, both left and right, but it couldn't go either way. I wanted to see a 720 with one in it but couldn't find one. After I had made my mind up as to where it would finally go, to weld it took about 20 mins... The tig needed to have a rest between welds. I had the steel (raw shape) cut for me for the transfer case. I just rounded it with a grinder. That took all of ten minutes I suppose?


    The cross member into bash plate.


    The fun part was getting the 5mm to match each end/side of the existing but cut up Pathy xmember. That was a pain in the arse. I did make a template of each end and used that as a guide. That too was done with a grinder. I preyed that a plasma cutter would appear in my garage but it never happened.

    It took about an hour and a half to shape the 5mm plate ready for welding. I still have to shape and weld the top section. The bend will be the interesting part of that exercise.


    So, it is the prep that takes the time.

  11. I had some time spare today so I test fitted the bracket/bash plate. If fit like a glove and you can't see it unless you crouch down. I like it like that!


    Some pics and please excuse the mess.



    Look very carefully and you can see it.




    Another look.




    From behind.




    Looking from the diff toward the motor.




    You may note that nothing is holding it at the front. This is because the front xmember hasn't been made yet.

    It will bolt to it.

  12. yeh i agree about the oil...i thought that would have been one of the first things to do, apparently they moved oil from lower tanks and moved it to higher tanks??? they said something on the news the other day about not wanting to risk moving it off ship in case they had an accident and spilt it.


    They just said on the news that tonights attempt has been put off until tomorrow night (sunday) they ran out of sunlight to hook up all the cables today.


    It will be known as the pasha night club soon, it will also have a restuarant, casino and motel :)


    Vsicks...I just sent you a pm, unrelated to this thread...



    She's gone. The Pasha Bulka was refloated and didn't leak another drop of oil. It was good while it lasted.

  13. Your Divorced t-case is sick but why a 720 case? Why not a Toyota with a 4.7 gear or something. Your fab looks great.


    I used a 720 case because no one (here at least) has ever heard of one sh!tting itself. They are run behind modified everything including big V8s and take it all. The choice was an easy one... Besides that, I don't want any Toyota parts on my Nissan. :thumbsdown:

  14. One other common thread that appears is that school shootings only stop when someone else with a gun shows up or the perp kills himself. See the Pearl, MS shootings, or the Appalachian School Of Law incident - in both cases, private citizens stopped the slaughter by showing up with lawfully owned firearms.


    It also remains a fact that the worst school massacre in the United States' history did NOT involve firearms, but explosives. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster


    I would have thought that private citizens started the shooting too. How did they get those weapons again?


    Are explosives illegal or something?? Is that why you don't have bombs going off all of the time??

    Are you suggesting that because it is so hard to get explosives that the death rate by bombing or being blown up is just about nil. How come the same wouldn't apply to guns then? Hmmmmmm. You seem to have just defeated your own twisted argument right here and right now. Seems that way to me at least. :togo:

  15. I refer you to: http://www.2asisters.org/news/australia.htm


    Many cites and references there, all from your own government and press. And not from a liberal university. Thank YOU for playing, goodnight.



    Could you have found any stats from 1912?


    Sorry that my stats are current and so up to date. You really do need to look a little deeper into the subject matter before spouting off.


    The fact of the matter is that "From 1996 to 2003, the total number of gun deaths each year fell from 521 to 289". That is a fact and no matter how you scope the net for obscure events to post here, you can not change FACTS. Another fact is.... that there has not been a single mass murder event since that of Port Arthur.


    Given what the pro gun lobbyist drivel you posted says or implies that crime rate has gone up so markedly, how come the FACTS don't support it? According to that so called report :wackinit: our gun deaths should be as pathetic as yours. Instead we are faced with this dilemma... "By 2002/03, Australia's rate of 0.27 firearm-related homicides per 100,000 population had dropped to one-fifteenth that of the United States." Curious?


    Any tosser can take tidbits and highlight single events and bend them to suit their own warped agendas. Unfortunately, as did the pro gun lobby, you underestimate thinking people. The facts speak for themselves and don't need any explaining. And if you can not acknowledge even that, then the point is mute!

  16. weapons of any sort have never been the problem, its stupid people that are the problem.


    Are you saying get rid of the people then? How do you propose doing that? I would have thought that stupid people that didn't have any access to weapons would just be stupid people. How do you suppose they become front page news?


    Here is something that may interest you... http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/318/7192/1160


    An excerpt of the article... One common thread throughout all incidents of school shootings is the firearm. With a gun in hand, schoolchildren are capable of mass murder. Without the gun, most children lack the strength, skills, and cunning to plan and execute multiple killings. I think it is safe to assume that the same would apply to adults too.

  17. Have you looked at the stats in your own country? Australia all but outlawed guns a few years ago, and look! Your gun crime rate has (IIRC) tripled, along with your homicide rate. Why do you think that is?


    If guns are the problem, then why does banning them produce the opposite of the desired results?


    Gee, you'd think you support such an outrageous claim with some facts.

    You seem to have missed, I SAY missed, a key word. That word is DECLINE! When you say.... "Your gun crime rate has (IIRC) tripled, along with your homicide rate" try saying like it should be said. Your gun crime DECLINE rate has (IIRC) tripled, along with your homicide rate.


    I have one for you, a fact that is. One that is backed up too which is more than you afforded anyone else on this board.

    Try this.... http://www.medfac.usyd.edu.au/news/features/2006/061214.php




    Think before you type please. :itsallgood:

  18. I have to admit that I underestimated some people on this board. I half expected some foolhardy individuals to argue about what I said. It's pretty hard to argue against logic like that though isn't it? It just makes sense and I am glad the point was made so loud and clear. I congratulate all who looked in on this thread and took in what was said. :clap:


    Now how about working toward outlawing guns in the US so you can at least live with some sense of peace and community. I couldn't stand to think my kids may never come home from school or a spouse from their work place, knot knowing if they are going to be killed by some nut with a gun???? I don't know how or even why you'd put up with it.

  19. hahaha :P


    they tried pulling it out on thurs night, 2 ground anchors connected to on board winches and 3 tug boats... ship moved a few metres...apparently...then 3 of the wire cables broke and 1 of the ground anchors broke, so yesterday (fri) they had to fix everything that broke and they're trying again tonight (sat).


    Something tells me that it might be there a while longer. Why they haven't taken the oil off freaks me out a little. Not just for the environmental issues that may occur, but to make the ship 800+ tonnes lighter. Must be some method to their madness. :crossedwires:

  20. Mods are looking good V6. Hope you get her back on the trails soon. :beer:



    Hopefully soon.


    I am still waiting a spigot bush to be turned for me. When that comes I can fit the gear box for the final time and make the rear xmember for it. And then she should be bullet proof.


    Next will be coil overs for the front. That will be when the standard MQ diff goes in. More than likely next year.

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