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Vsicks Pathy

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Posts posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. Thought this applied....

    We should have a best picture thread.


    I like the hippy vote one. lol


    Remember the good times in New Orleans?




    Speaking of Katrina.... Is NO back to its glory days yet? I have not heard anything for quite some time. :shrug:

  2. They sell kits for that mod here too, though it is just as easy to make your own as sw and I did when we went from normally asperated 4's to fuel injected V6's. You wouldn't want it (a V8) in a 4wd situation though. It would overheat to the max. I have trouble keeping mine cool off road on a hot day (though it is better now with the twins in) and I know sw had the same issues. A V8 in that small engine bay area would be very hard to cool indeed once the revs were up and the air through the radiator slowed.


    There is a 720 for sale (in oz) on ebay that has an 8 in it here.

  3. lookn good steveo


    why the dual mass fly wheel?


    why not just a normal fly wheel?



    I am trying my best to use a standard flywheel and I will not spend $1200+ on a POS duel mass or solid after market flywheel.


    Here's what I don't understand......The duel mass flywheel is over 50mm thick and a standard VR V6 one is only 36mm thick. Yet with the pressure plate bolted up I can't pull the box up to the motor. Even using the Nissan to Holden adaptor (12mm thick) it still fouls. For all intensive purposes the bloody thing seems to be either too deep (Flywheel and pressure plate together = 84.9mm) or too bloody wide. Noone seems to be able to tell me the collective depth of the duel mass and pressure plate, nor are they able to say what the diameter is. Just commodore and street commodore claim to be a be all end all of information. I have been waitng for days for the smart people to show up. Still no luck!


    I forgot to add that the combo I am using is a standard V6 flywheel, a standard duel mass/getrag spigot bush (fits perfectly into the crank), getrag thrust bearing (will have to be modified) Mazda B2600 clutch plate (fits the getrag spline) and Commodore HD V8 pressure plate.

  4. OK, my Pathy isn't giving me much love at the moment. I can not for the life of me get a straight answer on the dimentions of a duel mass flywheel. Why do I need that info I hear some of you thinking out loud?


    I have had my gear box in and out several times. The pressure plate fouls with the gearbox housing? I even put the old adaptor on and hoped like buggery that it would clear. The extra 12mm I got came close... but no dice.

    I have some figures of the duel mass flywheel and it makes less and less sense as to why my setup is fouling.


    I might look at getting a Supra (I KNOW! Sh!tota) box and a conversion bellhousing if I get no love soon.


    What adds salt to this wound is that I can not progress any further. I can't put the divorced transfer case in because I don't know where it will sit. Likewise I can't get any shafts made for the same reason.


    Some pics of the divorced transfercase anyway.


    Whats in that wee box?



    There she be. These things are tiny. they are also capable of coping with 1000 ponies non stop.


    Compare if you please.



    On the bench with brackets attached.



    The stubbie is there for scale purposes only. lol



    I pick up the 6mm plate and the supports on saturday morning. It will be bolted in as a single unit. More pics to come.

  5. I do believe that is the most moronic, redneck, backwoods dip@!*%, inbred, retarded, good-ol-boy sight of asshattery in action I've ever seen. WTF. There are no words to explain the level of stupidity, regardless of Pathy involvement. "Stupid human tricks!"

    Don't hold back Mr. Pickles, tell us what you really think. lol.

  6. That coupon is probably the funniest thing I've seen all day, and I'm stealing it. Just so you know.

    I have one with NPORA on it. Can I interst you in that one. lol

  7. So outspoken, lol.

    Actually, so understated.


    I am doing my best not to lash out at you for all of the painfully obvious reasons. I mean, you do leave yourself wide open with your 4th grade education and what is becoming more clear to us all ..... an IQ of a gnat. yawn!


    PLEASE for the sake of this forum... Just keep your head in the sand (or up your own backside, which ever is more apt) and pretend that the real world is just they way "you" think it is. But I beg you, keep it to yourself.


    In have questioned your grasp of real life twice now and I see you still don't answer. Sorry, ..... WE see. That gnat thing is repeating now isn't it?


    Where is the insect repellant?

  8. :clap:  :clap: You have to love freedom of speach. :clap:  :clap: There were plenty of Aussies in Iraq also, and they didn't have to be there. :)

    Your kidding aren't you? Plenty? A few yes but plenty... NO! I'd hardly call a few thousand plenty. If you bothered to know anything about my view on this topic you'd realise now how stupid you really do look.


    Hmmm, back to your foolish, hidious and by the "brainwash" book comments about Iraq.. The silence you speak says volumes. You obviously found out that Iraq was a well and truely forward country untill your Government f*cked it. Is this the first time you ever bothered to find out any facts? Did it shock you to learn the truth? Are you going to even acknowledge it? SO! On your knee then.


    As for loving freedom of speach... What country are you talking about? It certainly isn't America and Australia has never had it. Do somemore research ^%$#head!


    Now go away until you know what you are talking about. You're boring me.



  9. You crack me up. It's always the ones who would never do anything for anyone else and who watch the " negative aspects " of the news and believe it all who are the first to know everything. I was in Iraq for 16 straight months, fighting in the streets of Baghdad, the Sunni triangle, Ramadi, And everywhere else along the Euphrates river. There is way more to it all than what you see on the news.....every year hundreds of thousands of soldiers are transfered in and out of that @!*% hole of a country trying to help those who want help and believe me, besides the freaking thugs, the people are better off. Look what our country went through to get freedom. The women have education available, kids have clothes now, food, cell phones, internet, power, air conditioning, and many other ammenities that they never knew existed! Should we be there? Probably not, but you can't blame the service men and women for that, the American people voted, so blame everone who voted. You are damn right, when I recieved hostile fire I returned it ten times more....but when you are sent somewhere like that whether you like it or not, it's you or them plain and simple and it wasn't going to be me. Do you really call standing a man on a box and telling him hes really over water and could be electricuted is torture? Come on. Put it this way, if we weren't over there, you never know, they might be over here.

    You had better read up on history my dear undeveloped, uneducated friend.


    The reason Iraq WAS hated by most other Arab states was because of the freedoms they had. Note "HAD" being past tence thanks to sanctions that killed millions and a war for oil that has killed over 600,000. Do a quick bit of research and then come back here on your knee so I may forgive you your stupidity! Oh, and please don't open your mouth till then. You shame yourselfand those around you.

  10. Years old in fact steevo...


    You'd never see it on the track either. 2wd, the diff is for show. At least I have never seen a picture of it with the front hooked up.


    I kinda think that it would overheat too. We know how hot our Pathies can get ay steevo. by the way, do you still have yours?

  11. The way I see it the judge is in the right, this is clearly a way to discriminate. If you want to do something charitable it should be for EVERYONE in need. No-one should be excluded simply because they believe in something you don't.

    I see it as the judge discriminating against poor people. I wonder if he'll give a damn when hundreds more die this winter as a direct result of his narrow mindedness.


    You still alive B? Still off of the gaspers too?

  12. They are saying to use the new engine out of the 96 + pathies which is a 3.3 liter instead of the 3.0 that are supplied with the gen 1 pathies, so that you get the extra power and displacement.


    I think that is what they said but correct me if I am wrong.


    Edit: they also said to swap the Head gaskets (or manifold????) and the air intake I think sssh

    Nearly there.


    Keep your heads and inlet minifold from your old engine. When you get the later model engine, remove the heads and inlet manifold (on sell them perhaps and make some money back??) so you can put you old ones on. I am assuming that the old manifold and heads are used to make the larger capacity engine compliant to the wd21 pathy exhaust and computer management.




    You have to remove the inlet manifold to get the heads off anyway. And do all of this work BRFORE you put the engine in. You will be suprised at how easy a job it is.

  13. VSicks makes an excellent point (never thought I'd ever say that :P )

    label everything... if you have a digital camera, that'll help too.


    If you're gonna pull it, make sure you do as much maintenence on the replacement as possible. Things like the t-belt, cam seals, water pump, plugs, etc. all those things that are real knuckle-busters if it's in the engine bay.

    I'll have to agree with you too k9.


    Now please excuse me while I......... OOPS! Too late :oops:



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