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Vsicks Pathy

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Posts posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. ok so i am still looking at like the cost of an angine and then the cost to put it in right?

    It's your call. It is a risk I would not take just personaly. As k9 eluded to earlier, if thats gone.... what else is about to go?


    If you are going to pull the donk down with a view to repairing it then may I suggest that you do a complete recondition. That way you will have a brand new motor that will well outlast the car. You will not find yourself doing the same thing a couple of weeks later either. You can even oversize the bore and throw in a decent cam to get those extra ponies that a Nissan V6 lacks. To do the work yourself (au prices) will set you back about $1400. Thats new everything. From decking the heads to putting in your brand new oversized flat top pistons.


    Equate that with time off the road too. At least a couple of weeks....


    The oil loss you talked of? The rod hasn't tried to exit the block has it?



    Ooops! I think I missed read your reply.


    You will learn how to replace you engine when you take your buggered one out. It isn't a hard job to do and you will save heaps.


    I was about 15 when I started working on cars. In those days I used alot of masking tape and ink. I used to lable everything I removed, all wires, leads and hoses, EVERYTHING. That way I knew where things went when I replaced things. That is the biggest lesson when working on a car IMO. Do that and you can never get it wrong.

    Sometimes I wonder why today, I didn't keep that habit up. -thnkboutit-

  2. fix/replace, compress rings and reinsert piston, reconnect rod/bearings, ...) once you get to it.

    You have to take the head/s off in order to get the compressed rings in. You can't do it from underneath. :nono: It is a big job to do it properly and not one for a beginner in mechanics.



    Salvage what you can. heads, timing cover etc. then throw the motor out! It will be cheaper and easier to put another one in.

  3. heh, how much does that shiny new fender stick out compared to the rest of the abused paint?


    I'm suprised how the TJM gave like that... I hope to hell mine would fair better. :blink:

    The whole front end and drivers door stick out like a sore thumb.


    Once the gearbox is done I will have it blending in in no time. ;)

  4. I was talking about our servicemen and women that are over in iraq. i wasn't meaning it to sound as if it was happening over here. sorry if it sounded that way.

    Iraq... Isn't that where WE as the coalition of the willing are attacking, raping, murdering, plundering, pillaging, torturing, maiming and above all else, terrorising the whole country illegaly? Isn't it??


    You managed to confuse me for all of.....well, honestly, ZERO seconds. I must hand it to you... You did try to spin it to look like it was the other way round. Unfortunately, there are alot of people that belive outright undiluted bullsh!t like that. Though there are fewer and fewer each day now, they still exist... Don't they.

  5. I don't want to offend anyone... so I will anyway.


    Instead of pissfarting around like you are doing just check the bloody thing properly. It isn't rocket science!

    Engage 4wd in your driveway or anywhere else you please. (Please, if you are engaging 4wd on a hard traction surface ie. concrete or bitumen, do not try to turn the steering wheel). After driving forward and reverse (in a strat line) enought times (convincing yourself that if it was going to ever engage 4wd, it would have done so by now) stop the car with the engine still running, DO NOT DISENGAGE 4WD, engage the hand brake so the car can not move, elight the vehicle and retreive a jack. Now that you have the jack in hand, place it under the front of your still running Pathfinder. There is a crossmember under there so place it in the centre and jack away untill both of the front wheels are off of the ground.


    Now try turning the drivers wheel be hand. Now run around to the passenger side and do the same thing.


    Now remove your car from the jack, disengage 4wd and turn the motor off.


    Post up your results on this site for further discussion.



  6. V6, you toned it down? :wacko: glad i didn't see it before then. :P:D i won't edit right now but please pull up all the monofilament lines, ok?


    i really like your responce quoted below. that one will require some thougth and reasoning to have an answer. i wonder if you'll get a responce.




    as to torture and all the death: we tend to put ourselves up as these civilized folks, is this civilized? the other thing that plays a mojor role in the US anyway, is this the christian way? wwjd? ;):D

    The christain way was to turn the other cheek. Now it's kill and destroy anyone or thing that stands in the way of their interests. Amazingly the christains want to die, in fact they actuall want the world to end so the can have a little spot beside jesus. This is why the Neo Cons have the religious right (extreemist) on side. The Neo Cons don't give a rats arse if they distroy the world in the name of empire and the christians want them to. It is a real shame that the religious exteemists have sided with Satan just so they can have their armageddon in our life time. What's more shameful is that if there really is a god that they will all burn in hell for making it happen. Might be a good thing after all?

  7. V6, you toned it down? :wacko: glad i didn't see it before then. :P:D i won't edit right now but please pull up all the monofilament lines, ok?


    i really like your responce quoted below. that one will require some thougth and reasoning to have an answer. i wonder if you'll get a responce.




    as to torture and all the death: we tend to put ourselves up as these civilized folks, is this civilized? the other thing that plays a mojor role in the US anyway, is this the christian way? wwjd? ;):D

    Yeah, I toned it down. No point getting personal. -argue- :beer:


    As for a reply.... You and I both know the answer to that one. :laugh:

  8. The Air Force is downsizing, for the second time now in my career...so I don't think thats an accurate statement

    The downsizing, right now is on a volunteer basis, soon by force...so I'm gonna have to disagree on that part. As for the rest of the services, I dunno, I'm not part of them so I don't pay attention, so you're probably right.

    I stand corrected. I don't know how I missed this. -thnkboutit-



  9. so...pretty much lifes a bitch then you die...


    but i never said i supported the war...nor bush nor anything else except i will support our troops...b/c if i'm on either side im going to have DTA policy and i will get u before u get me (not personally speaking but as a general rule of thumb)...i tell ya sicks u get ure panties in a bunch pretty quick and jump conclusions as well as on peoples back way too fast...


    my main point was...some prisoner happens to have some information on a bomb or attack or whatever could harm you or your family/friends and all we know is a general area its in and when it will go off...so theres a couple choices...find some way to medically get it out of him but this isnt attainable...hes not going to answer straight up...the clocks ticking...so you do nothing and let it go off...or try your damndest to get it out of him maybe u do maybe u dont...but if u do then lives are saved...i'll let you pick who you want to be and we can even say its the americans that are going to be on the attack...


    me personally im going to try and get some answers no matter what it takes (and that includes being tried and whatever punishment could come behind it)


    folks will never completely understand other folks unless they're in the same pair of shoes...

    I tamed down my reply to your post. As for panties in a knot? I gave up wearing them long ago.


    As for you watching Boston Legal and missing the point, what do you want me to say. I just hope no one thinks you have the required information one day. I know you'd be only too happy to go with what ever they decide they need to do to you to get to the truth you know nothing of!

  10. hmmm...i dont get into all the political crap...but i have seen about 3 peoples heads get chopped off (i could dig those up and post but figured the mods wouldnt like that too much)...so knowing this gives our POWs (civilian or military) fear and emotional terror/torture of that happening to them...


    in fact if i were the 1 hanging saddam i would have had about 4 or 5 different tiers that would let him drop about an inch or 3 each time just to see/hear his reaction...


    IMO i dont care what country u're from if u catch the enemy u're going to torture (emotionally or physically) them in 1 way shape or another to find the information needed...and the more severe impact that information is the more they will be tortured/killed...our judicial system does it all the time but prob 95-98% emotional torture to get people to crack...

    I watch the news every night and unfortunately I have seen alot more than just 3 people with their heads chopped off. I have seen countless dead and dying children, women and men (humans no better or worse than you and I, dispite the bullsh!t you choose to belive). I have seen their homes bombed and their country destroyed based on lies and a greed for oil. Remember "SHOCK AND F'n AWE!!!!" Just what do you think that did to these people? NOTHING! You are a joke. Shall I tell you what it did. Shock and awe and a constant threatening posture gives a whole country and all of the other countries threatened as the axis of evil every right to defend themselves. You want to talk about fear and F'n terror! Put yourself in those poor bastards shoes.


    Oh by the way...., There are no enemy POW's because Bush says there is none. And because of that FACT he ignors the Geneva Conventions. They (the USA) torture, rape, kill and do what ever they please. Yes, the fact of the matter is that WE are no better than the dictator your country made and supported. For claiming to be the liberator, WE are in fact worse. To expect nothing in return. Grow up! Your reasoning is pathetic at best. "so knowing this gives our POWs (civilian or military) fear and emotional terror/torture of that happening to them..." Well,. stiff titties if you don't like the heat get outof the kitchen. no one asked you to be there anyway now, did they!


    Learn a little bit of history and politics before going off half cocked


    As for your other comments..





  11. i don't give a rat's a$$ about the supposed tortured prisoner's we have in gitmo or abu grahb prison's. i honestly think we should do to them what was done to our military personnel. take them out back and put 2 shot's in the back of the head. just my 2 cent's

    I like it.. "Supposed torture". :bow:


    I wonder how you would interpret the same lame statement if it were the other way around. 'spose, two faces are better than one. :X

  12. what about the american servicemen and women that were captured and tortured and then shot in the back of the head? who do we go after for that?

    I haven't heard of this happening in any part of your country... this is surley a first; a world news scoop for you. What part of America is this happening in? Why isn't Bush and Co. going after the perps?

    May I ask you.....? Who are these people that go out of their way to capture, torture and kill (via 2 bullets to the back of the head) freedom loving Americans, in what I can only assume you are saying, is in their own homes and at their work places? Where do they come from? Surely they must be terrorists. FFS, what is their agenda? I hope your countrymen rids itself of these terrorist/invaders as soon as they can. I could only imagine the up roar and the call for someones spilt blood if what was happening in your country was happening here.

  13. nice bar, although I do like the polished raw steel finish of the old one. did you lose a hella in that fender bender?

    The polished alloy bar looked real good polished. It just took too much time and effort to polish it. Besides that, most of the time it would look good only for a couple of days before it was covered in sh!t again.

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