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Vsicks Pathy

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Posts posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. Because of this.....





    My Pathy now has this....








    A brand new ARB winch bar.


    The Pathy pics are all in the garage because of this....




    That is the gearbox with two large cracks in it.

    Credit where credit is due though.. The gearbox was on its way out for about 3 or 4 months amd sounded like a pot full of nuts and bolts being shaken. So it was not suprising that some of what was making all that noise wanted to exit the box with a huge bang! Strange though that she still drove in all gears with that type of damage.

    But because of this. I am putting this in....




    It is a getrag... The strongest 5 speed that holden have. No need for a breather either. The box is fully sealed (just the way the're made) and will operate under water like a sub.


    I will be picking up my divorced/remote transfercase either to ight or tomorrow. I will post up a pick of that when I get it.


    The Nissan gear box/transfercase is out (removed them last night).

    I have to bolt up the getrag and fab up a new crossmember for it before I can fit the divorced transfer case and its new fabbed crossmember.

    All in all, at the end of the day, I should have a bullet proof drivetrain.

  2. Ya know what, with the number of people whose heads have been cut off, hands and feet cut off by Iraqis and other horrible abuses, I have no sympathy for the "tortured" prisoners...just my 2 cents worth.

    You left me sratching my head?


    What are you on about?

  3. dude, d!ck cheney is as evil as the come too.


    get ready for some serious fireworks and many, many more body bags coming from iraq soon. shrub's plan was just freaking brilliant. :rolleyes:

    The list of guilty criminals, I know, goes on and on for direct Americam involvement. I just didn't feel like hearing from the usual ignorant, arrorgant, uneducated and knowall people sayiny that I have no right to pick on the USA. Or that they hate defending me??? FFS, those type of people have made the world far more dangerous in evey aspect. That's why I gave, again IMO, pretty equal billing for those that need to be bought before the ICC and tried for what we, the educated, know are war crimes and crimes against humanity.


    As for the fearless leaders new foray into the depths of dispare at the expense of others... It's going to be a wild ride. I feel for all of the Mothers and Fathers that will soon take delivery of their dead, wounded, maimed and insane sons and daughters.

    We can rest easy that we don't have to join then. Even though his divine army, navy, air force and marines can not meet quotas (too many cowards in the USA obviously) the draft will not be an option. All he will have to do is visit this site and then he can have all of the willing foot soldiers he could ever hope for! Notice I said he'd have to come here. For some strange reason they wont go to him. LOL. I love the all talk no action, can't ever hope to put up a fact and thankfully because of it soon shut up, in your face macho men here.


    Very long Borat type pause......... NOT!


    A brain Sir? No Sir! No brains here Sir!! Morals Sir? No Sir! What are they anyway Sir? Kill innocent people Sir? Yes Sir! HELL YES SIR!!!! Yeehaww! Let the new games begin. :crazy:

  4. So, the rein of terror that was Sadam is over? The hunt for those that supported it over decades will never take place unfortunately. But according to the popular media we are aparently one step closer to peace in Iraq and the greater Middle East non the less.


    So who are the 5 that are still to go? In order of least threatening to fully out of control IMO are as follows.


    5. John Howard (Aussie) NOT!


    4. Tony Blair (Pom)


    3. Isreal (Terrorist nation with the full support of USA (US paid for Isreals attack on Lebanon)). And the unconditional blessing of the western world to carry out war crimes as they see fit)


    2. Rummy (Yank)


    1. Bush. (AKA. Satan)


    When these 5 offenders of human rights and supporters of war crimes and state terrorism are bought to justice and laid to rest beside the likes of Sadam, Hitler and Molosivic, then, and only then can the first real steps be taken toward lasting world peace.


    Gee, I think my newyears resolution for world peace has no hope at all.

  5. Your options stop short 88. Some of us have Pathies capable of much quicker speeds than your poll allows. 180 kph (120ish mph) is the max my dial shows and I have been past that once or twice. OK OK, more than twice but I am not counting :D Did get a little hairy too just between us.

    As for normal driving speed on a hwy or freeway... 110 to 135 kph (70 to 80+ mph). As I said to sw when he questioned my lead foot.... At my age, time is very very relevant. I have not got as much of it as the younger guys so I have to get where I am going just a little bit quicker. He laughed but did concede it was a valid point. sssh

  6. 33 ATs for soft roading. Sooner or later 34 or 35 inch muddies for the more serious stuff.


    Did I mention that I now have my brand spanking new ARB winch bar on now?


    Pics later..

  7. amusing it may be but his life is unfortuantely influenced negatively by US policies so i think he can and should speak up if he feels like it. you don't find our aggressive ways rather concerning?

    Just look at his avitar mz. If ever a picture told a thousand words, this is the one. Do you not agree mz, that it's a picture of a well rounded thought provoking individual that likes to explore alternatives to WORLD issues other than bombing, killing, raping, murdering and maiming innocent people.






























    Hmmm... I omitted torture and illegal invasions of countries.... What is it that the whitehouse calls kidnapping again? Is it rendition or secret rendition? Anywho, that too. We will not even touch on the blowback that will occour for generations to come.


    Why bother mz. Someone has to be able to digest what they see and here to be able to understand it. You have to be able to understand it in order to have educated opinions or pov. Others, like our gun tot'n hoot'n ana holler'n cowboy friend are unfortunately incapable of understanding anything.

  8. How dare this guy, obviously a guy that knows nothing, say what he says HERE!

    He should be shot for telling lies and being unAmerican and for not having one single drop of patriotic blood in his poor excuse of a body. He even writes like he was educated or something?? What would he know anyway? Right!?

    This must surely be the beginning of the end! how dare he remove his blinkers and take his head out of the bucket of sand. I just hope that this sort of sanity doesn't catch on. For shame!

  9. how is that not the same association k9? i don't get it.. pic of saddam with the WTC and the sarcasm leads one to believe that in fact there is a connection.. i think some see that pic as proof.


    You owned k9sar mz.


    It doesn't get better than this for me! lol.

  10. just a side note. The only association made between the Iraq war and 9/11 was done by you V6 and that was done only in a comment about charging Bush with mass murder. Your last post seemed to simply be a putdown of another member based on a post he made for a reason other than that which you seem to be mocking him for. If you want to claim victory over a discussion, please be sure to keep on the topic being discussed.

    As usual you are wrong. Please stay in the poho thread. This one is for people that are able to use their grey matter. -study- :contract: sssh

  11. lol.. v6 :clap:

    Did you get a load of the picture "Electrifyliak" used. lol. Even Bush now admits that Sadam had nothing to do with 9/11, something the rest of the world new years ago. But """Electrifyliak""" posts up a picture like that to support his view? Seems he still thinks that bullsh!t tastes nice. Look at how he is still swollowing it. Even when no-one else is. ha ha. That's just priceless.... I love it!


    Where has he been? lol.

  12. Oh my gosh, you're one of THOSE people.

    I certainly am. Yes, I am a person that uses their brain and thinks about things.


    Builds that fall down? Disproved? Fall down in next to free fall time? Disproved? The only buildings in history to have ever fallen down due to fire were on 9/11. FACT!!!!

    Planes that leave no wreckage with a fuselage that can punch hole through several steel reinforced concrete walls that are about a metre thick yet the enginges dont even leave a scrath on the ground or the building? Disproved? P lease!


    Yes. I am one of those people. I'd rather that than be a sheep that lives on bullsh1t!

  13. 3rd-infantry-saddam-911.jpg


    Ya... "sovreign" country. Their leader was totally nice and never supported terrorists, never. riiigghhht. :contract:


    Not to mention rape rooms, public executions of innocent people, testing chemical weapons on his own people, the list of atrocities goes on. But you're right, we should have just left him alone. :crazy:

    America supported who? Did I hear you say Sadam? Didn't you just say that Sadam supported terrorists? If that is so, then what would Americian support be?


    By the way, what terrorists are you refering to? After all it was the USA that supplied munitions, chemical weapons,delivery systems and first hand traing to Sadam. You probably know better the reasons behind that than I do. I can't wait for you to fill me in... Back to it then. Are you suggesting that the USA sponsors terrorism? It certainly sounds like it to me.

  14. Vsicks, I think (and this is my opinion, OK?) you seem to be making "headline-based factual statements" that are based largely on news reports and coverage from people that apply a lot of opinion to their journalistic writings. I'd LOVE to know what the f*ck REALLY happened over there, what REALLY happened over here, and what DIDN'T happen anywhere, but the point is moot because I have to rely on biased news sources for all the info. Some are better than others, I know...but still. I don't trust what I hear anymore because I can tell that there are a lot of politically- and monetarily-based motives underpinning everything that we as the general world's public will never see or know about.


    I support our troops, they don't deserve to be sent to that sh1t-hole. My 2 cents. Thank you for your time.

    I hear what you are saying and tend to agree with you for the most part. Still, that does leave the question of why? We were all told why weren't we?


    ‘Pavelow Leaks’ said that it makes him sick to defend people that say stupid sh!t. That implies that I am stupid and what I said is sh!t. I have given him an opportunity to educate me. Though I know he doesn’t have a clue is irrelevant as it was he that made the call.


    Further to this, his reply also implied that I was clueless on what is going on in Iraq and that I have the same limited knowledge as a two year old has of bowling. Though he did not specify what type of bowling ball (ie Lawn ,carpet, botchy or ten pin), I will assume he meant ten pin. He kinda strikes me as the type.

    Again, he has the opportunity to educate me. I’d like for him to also stop assuming that he is defending me or people like me. We all have choices, some legal some not, some moral others not. He made his choice by the sound of it but it was not made on my or the majority of the worlds behalf. If he had of been listening then he would have known this. The amazing thing is, he still can’t hear.


    As for you not knowing what happened over there? I think the USA, GB and AU along with some bribed tiny little insignificant countries attack a Sovereign country and destroyed it. Destroyed it on every conceivable level, not just the buildings and infrastructure but the spirit of the people too. That, in my opinion, is what happened over there. And the question still remains…. WHY?

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