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Vsicks Pathy

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Posts posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. Don't be surprised when Bush declares marshall law in October of 08...

    I wouldn't be. He will need to do something to keep himself out of the Hague. Changing laws so his war crimes are not ilegal will only work while he remains top dog. Lets hope his retrospective law changes are revoked when the Democrats get in. He will have nowhere left to hide tthen.

  2. I'm so tired of hearin "We're there for the oil". Sometimes it makes me sick that I defend peoples right to say stupid sh*t. Quite honestly, unless you have been over there, or somehow have the security clearance to actually know what's really goin on, your grasp on the situation is pretty much the equivalent of a two year old holding a bowling ball.

    You can tell us why your their then? I hope so because it was not about WMD or terrorists was it! I will not hold my breath waiting for your answer.


    :bed: -study-

  3. Oh yeah, because the hurricane was his fault, too, right? :rolleyes:

    Gee, how could a bit of wind be his fault?? Think about it! The buck stopped where again with regard to the clean up?? Sorry, what clean up. Where did the buck stop fpr the rescue effort??? Sorry again.... What rescue effort! Get a clue ffs. Oh, and Lebanon will be rebuilt (by supposed terrorists) sooner than NO too.

  4. what company makes a 3 inch suspension lift for an 87 pathy?.....havent been able to find one yet :angry:

    Why do you want to lift the suspension? Can't you lift the body instead?


    Calmini make a kit. Spenser Lowe Racing (sp) also make a kit. There is another mod too but I can't remember what ther are called.. If your car is right hand drive then no-one makes a kit.


    Try using the search button (as poor as it is) for suspension lift info.

  5. :cool2: Good info guys, Thanks. I'm glad I stumbled onto this web site. Some of the rigs on this site are pretty sweet. I think I might wait awhile before I go ahead with any lift kits. I'll buy another set of 31 x 10.5's to burn while I think everything through some more. Any other upgrades I shouldn't be living without?

    Put a 2 or 3" body lift in and run 32's. A BL is cheaper than a suspension lift and you will still be able to maintain correct steering component angles. Thus, you will not break things so easily.

  6. I was playing around with some ideas of blacking out my tail lights with rino liner. Still gotta go to the junk yard and pick up some lights to try it out.

    I just got a little bit of vomit in the back of my throat then. :oops:

  7. He is the devil.  George Bush is a 33rd Degree Freemason.



    I like how Venezuelan pres. Hugo Chavez called Bush a donkey...  Called him a drunk, a coward,  and a genocist.  He openly prays to God that Bush be stopped.


    Chavez also claims that Bush is the devil,  and that he talks as if he were the owner of the world (which is oh so painfully true).


      We need a leader like Chavez.

    This is some of what was said...


    Speaking one day after Bush addressed the same meeting of the General Assembly, Chavez announced, "The devil came here yesterday, and it smells of sulfur still today, this table that I am now standing in front of." At that point, Chavez made the sign of the cross, positioned his hands as if praying, and looked slowly up to the ceiling. He continued: "Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the United States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the devil, came here, talking as if he owned the world." Chávez also said that President Bush "... came [to the General Assembly] to share his nostrums to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world." Chávez began his talk by recommending[3] Noam Chomsky's Hegemony or Survival: "It's an excellent book to help us understand what has been happening in the world throughout the 20th century, and what's happening now, and the greatest threat looming over our planet." Citing Chomsky's book, Chavez explained, "... the American empire is doing all it can to consolidate its system of domination. And we cannot allow them to do that. We cannot allow world dictatorship to be consolidated."


    What is not mentioned is the 5 minute standing ovation he got.



    The whole thing can be found here. It is a good read.

  8. Ya... 'cause people are really living nice down there... :crazy:


    Why don't YOU go live there, then he WILL be your president and you'll be livin it up!

    They are doing very well now that they have a someone in power that is not a puppet. Isn't Hugo even suppling cheap oil to the poorer countries around him? And even the poor people of the USA. Well that's what Iread? Sounds like the right thing to do to me. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...1187165,00.html You can look up the rest.

  9. I don't vote because I'm in North Dakota. If you vote republican, it doesn't matter because they will win by a landslide and don't need your vote, if you vote democrat, well, see republican reason.




    And I think Bush isn't doing all that bad. The war on terror isn't going to end, it's just going to move around. People need to realize that. Plus, if we're fighting them over there, they don't have a lot of time or opportunity to attack us over here.

    So, hypothetically speaking, 1,000,000 Democrats did not vote in your state because of 'YOUR' reason??? I can't help but wonder what the outcome would have been if lazy do nothing can't be f*cked people actually got off of their arses and voted. Of course, it goes without saying that I don't want to offend anyone but your reason sounds like a copou,t and at best, a very poor excuse that simply doesn't make any sense at all to me. Explain your logic too me so that I and others like me may be enlightend.


    Bush isn't doing a bad job? Letting the modern day NAZIS (Israel) run amok in Lebanon was a good thing? Lets not to mention...... also supplying the ilegal munitions that Israel used on thousands of inocent people. Letting Israel kill Palistinians at their leasure with US supplied weapons and and delivery systems? That's not a bad job? The Israeli's knock down Palistinian homes so they can claim the land as their own with CAT bulldozers too.. Killing people on 9/11 so Bush could blame Osama Bin Laden.... Then using 9/11 as an excuse, Bush set about invading a Sovereign country for no reason (oops, my bad....OIL!). That country is F*CKED now because of Bush's actions. Not bad at all!! How about Bush mouthing off and threatening half the world and calling them the "axis of evil"??? You have to be kidding? They've gone out and armed themselves with nukes to try and protect themselves from the bloke you say isn't doing a bad job. We will not mention New Orleans either, will we?


    If you were not joking, then I'd hate to see what you think bad is.

  10. I have to admit I tend to share the same opinion as the majority of folks outside the US...



    I love it when nails are hit on the head.


    "assions were even higher in Pakistan, where Bush is deeply unpopular despite billions in aid and support for President Gen. Pervez Musharraf.


    One opposition lawmaker, Hafiz Hussain Ahmed, said he welcomed the election result but hoped for more. Bush “deserves to be removed, put on trial and given a Saddam-like death sentence,” he said."



    In an extraordinary joint statement, more than 200 Socialist members of the European Parliament hailed the American election results as “the beginning of the end of a six-year nightmare for the world” and gloated that they left the Bush administration “seriously weakened.”


    I hear war crime charges are being bought against Rummy in Germany. Poor love! I hope he too gets a death penalty.

    Too bad the democrats will not impeach Bush. We will have to wait another 2 years for that war criminal to be taken to task. I wonder if anyone will have the guts to charge bush for mass murder on 9/11 too?

  11. I heard that there is a job going at Australia zoo. Yes, that wqs poor taste.. May Steve Irwin RIP.


    What can I say... We have a skill (trades mainly) shortage here because the Australian federal Government dropped the ball.


    Your chances of finding meaningful employment are very high. I say apply for your Visa and come on down.


    As for a jack jumper??? I have never heard of one.

  12. After speaking to many idiots at Optus I finally got on to a person that had a clue. Seems the problem is our cordless phone? It is interfering with the line signal somehow?? It has a filter on it but apparently it needs another one. The tech checked the line speed from his comfy cubical and found that all was well. So the fix is easy enough, and no pill for Steve just yet.


    The speed is nowhere near that of cable but at least I am not falling asleep waiting anymore.

  13. It has been awhile yet again. As you know, the hugs and kisses and myself have bought a new house. I gotta say, I LOVE THIS HOUSE! Just ask sw what the other one was like. Small sh*t hole. With all of the packing, unpacking, buying new furnature to suit the new house and work done at the new place before we moved in... I have not had time to scratch myself. Coupled with, that it took another 2.5 weeks for the internet to be ready, though I don't know why, goes somewhat to explaining my being absent.


    I will post pics soon enough... However, posting pics at this point in time for me will be very time consuming. I have struck a problem with our new ADSL broardband internet connection. IT'S TOO BLOODY SLOW! I am thinking that it is not that much quicker than dial up. We had cable for 7 years in the old place but it is not available here in the new suburb. Well, it is but not with my prefered carrier.. Optus. We have our LAN line with them as well as all of our mobile phones (4). Our home grown carrier is Telstra and I have vowed never to use them again for as long as I live. They are a pack of bastards!


    Long story short, Telstra has cable here. It has been about ten years since I made that vow and until now I have not given them a second thought. I will call Optus tomorrow and ask them to quote a price on ADSL2. After I get the price I am going to demand I get it at the same price we are paying for this sh*t ADSL. If they don't come to the party... Do you guys and girls think I sould bite the bullet and swap over to Telstra?


    It will be a bitter pill for me to swallow but I WILL if if the general consensus suggests I should. After all, they do have what I need.... BASTARDS!

  14. Shovel, hand winch, two 9mtr snatch straps, tow strap, saw, 1 x 20 mtr chain, 1 x 3mtr chain, exhaust jack and stock jack, two 10 mtr ropes, tree trunk protector, snatch block, "D" shackles (5), bow shackles (3), two pair of leather work gloves (riggers), insulation tape, duct tape, cable ties, rechargable spot light, cb radio and plenty of tools to name the main things. Oh, I amost forgot..... A bottle of whisky, just in case it is a cold night. I used to also carry a spare tie rod and idler arm too. Thank christ those days are over.


  15. Did I mention the size of the new garage at all? No?


    Anyone curious?



    Well it is 9w x 8d x 3.3h. (mtr)


    So for you lot on the other side of the pond that's 30w x 26d x 10h. (ft)


    It is solid brick and also has a small pot belly stove in it. It should be good to drink around in the winter months. sssh


    I'm just wondering if I'll have enough space to work in. :lol:

  16. Hi all. I am wanting help and advice on a fuel tank swap. I want to fit LPG to my vehicle and have to replace the fuel tank so I can fit a larger gas tank where the fuel tank is. What year model ( Australia) vehical has the fuel tank mounted on the drivers side ? I will have to make and change the filler neck fittings but that will not be to bad if there is a tank that will bolt in without mods.

    Has anyone got advice on LP duel fuel systems to fit the VG30I ?

    Thank You.

    Little Monster Truck.

    You could try a Navara tank and see if that'll fit. BUT you may as well have it dedicated to gas. At least that way it is tuned 100% for it. Duel fuel is a is a compromise tune at best, and given that the Pathies are fairly gutless, you shouldn't compromise it anymore than necessary.


    I am fairly sure that you can get cylinders to fit in where your tank was. Just get a bigger tank or get them to link two tanks together (like the dedicated LPG Fords) and screw the petrol for good. That's unless of course your in QLD and don't pay a tax on a tax for fuel like the rest of us do in OZ.


    I have seen a Pathy with an LPG tank in the back. Not only did it look repulsive, there was no space for anything else. So what ever you do, have it installed under the floor. A body lift will also aid with tank size.

  17. I had a similar re-occuring problem, found the scourse by accident when I was 4wding with sw. Actually, sw found it, the location anyway. Long story short, it was a dirty female spade connector to the injector (EFI) relay.


    10 dollars says it is a bad conection and you missed it. Check the wires again and soak the buggers in wd40. A bad earth can also create havoc too.


    Just another thought. Have you got a coil? If so, it may need a clean, have a hair line crack or just cutting out when it gets hot.

  18. :o


    Welcome back Bud !! :beer:


    I was wondering what happened to you; figured it was the business idea keeping you occupied... Sorry it didn't work out, but I'm sure you learned a lot to apply next time.

    Sorry you smashed the pathy but at least it didn't total it !! ;) Congrats on the house though, I'd be more than pleased to own one before I die...







    How are you B? Are you still off the gaspers (Filthy smokes)?

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