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Vsicks Pathy

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Posts posted by Vsicks Pathy

  1. im sorry but this just presented the PERFECT opportunity




    sorry dude but you really need to grow some thicker skin if your gonna ask for opinions on the internet. sorry you dont like the answers given, but people here DO know their stuff and have for a while..they arent saying it to be mean. we all had our first cars and our attachments to them...but there comes a point where you have to be rational.


    but then again..what do us "old farts" know about anything? :X

    Better still...




  2. Is it a 6 or a 4cyl?


    The Navara/Pickup/Hardbody (all countries covered) head lights or any other lights for that matter, will not fit into a Pathy. ALL external lights! Do not be told otherwise.


    The guards/fenders/wings (all countries covered) on the late model pickups will fit but not early ones.


    Doors will fit from the pickup to the Pathy and vice versa. I actually prefer the PU doors because they have a butterfly window.


    Seats, front only of course and all dash compontnts as well as air con and heater unit, you get my point, are interchangable between the Pathy and th PU.


    So, you have a heap of readily available spares and a nice rare car. How lucky are you?


    It is the queens holiday weeked, and for some it goes for 12 days. That might be why you have not heard back from the Aussie site.

  3. Your are not, and have not been bashed for doing what you are doing. It is a fallacy to even suggest such a thing. Shame on you.

    You have been given, what many would deem to be, suggestions of better options that are available to you. Options that WILL save you money. That WILL save you time. If you chose not to take them, fine. We put up with a lot of mundane posts from you so please do not say that we are bashing you. That my friend, is just wrong!


    And what I said I stand by. The more you remove from that car the worse it gets. I find it hard to believe that the people (friends or no friends) are sticking to a single price even after they find more and more stuff wrong. You need a new chassis, no ifs buts or maybes, yet the price doesn’t alter? I don’t get it and I hope that you don’t get it….. a surprise bill that is, for all of the extra work that was done.

    That is my fear, and the chances of that happening, experience says are pretty high.

    We have all wished you good luck, even though we do not all agree with how you are going about your project.


    Your car is NOT a group project. It is your project. Share with us the progress of the rebuild. Tell us what driving lights YOU chose to put on. Send in a picture of the bullbar YOU chose etc, etc. Then if you can’t wire up the lights, ask for help. If you do not know how to bolt up the bullbar then ask for help. All we have tried to do here is help. You can’t see that?


    As for you wanting sponsorship? What do you want? Do you want money to do your project?

  4. Would a 30 or 31 render my 235/70/15 spare completely useless? My guess is yeah.

    If you have a LSD then you will stuff your diff up pretty quickly. You can use different size tyres on the front without any issue of causing damage.


    Remember, with odd sized and tread pattern tyres that your car will not handle correctly though.

  5. Man, the more we see of you car the worse it gets. There isn't even enough car left to burn.... I don't honestly know why you just don't get another one. Besides, I would not piss on that thing even if it was on fire. No offence. Your chassis is shot to the sh!thouse and the boby has about 1oz of steel left, the rest of it has been eaten away.

    Look on ebay. The're as cheap as hell in the US and you can find them in good nick.


    Get something like this and put your running gear in it. Or this and then be done with it. These are only a couple of examples, there are heaps more. With the thousands and thousands of $$$$ you'll save, get a live axle put in the front.

  6. Give this mob a shot. They say that they will only post to the US and Canada. If you order enough stuff they may come to the party.


    You will be struggling to find a headlight for that price in OZ. They go for $AU80 here second hand.

  7. I don't know if they ship to the UK but www.jcwhitney.com sells brand new supports for the back door and window. I got my door supports from them about three years ago and they're still working great.

    Good luck on interior parts most of the stuff that breaks/wears breaks and wears on EVERY pathy. Otherwise check ebay. :aok:

    They, I'd imagine anyway, would have Navaras/Hardbodies perhaps?


    If not, ship from the US. Parts as so bloody cheap there its not funny.

  8. Ok well just to get this clear, I know alot of you are getting fustrated with me. Its not that I havent done research, I just want my truck to be 100% perfect lol. Ive been researching for months on how I want to fix it but I dont have the experience to know much... my first car. Id rather not spend money on @!*%... or something thats not going to suit my needs. IM sorry for all the questions but I just want this truck going perfectly... I Have a list of what I want but id like the opinion of others at the same time. This truck is my life at the moment lol, so bare with me guys.

    If you ask any of us for an opinion on what sort of wheel nuts you should have (seems that's the only question you have not asked).. I will organise to have someone beat you to within an inch of your life. P...

  9. Dude, you are the last person that should be asking "where is the love." :rolleyes:


    I'm not trying to kill a post here, just hoping maybe you spark an idea you'd like to try. Apparently I'm an a$$ for pointing things out.

    Where is the love for me? Where?


    If people called me a donkey, I'd say he aw he aw he always calls me that. Get it? It is a donkey noise. :takebow:


    Oh, and thanks for killing this post. I mean it; thanks. :beer:

  10. Seriously man, please make a decision on your own, any decision. Pick a light you like, buy it, post with results/opinion. I highly doubt that most people here, if any, have any experience with www.blinglights.com. The name alone would be enough for me to take my biz elsewhere. Sorry if I'm too harsh, I'm not trying to be a jerk. But a bazillion posts about every aspect of your build asking people specifically what you should buy each step of the way gets a little tiring. Part of the point of the forum is to innovate, search, and try something new on your own, and then post up with your results.

    Ouch! Where is the love man?


    Any idea where to get carpet?


    I have seen two (2) Pathfinders here in Oz with moulded rubber flooring in liu of carpet. Both were two door though.

    I would enquire at a Nissan dealership if you can get it over there. If not I might be able to inquire on your behalf here, we could also work out terms of payment and shipping if you were agreed to the price. That is if it can be obtained.

  12. to be honest with you all, i think that looks ridiculous. it looks unproportional, and yes i wonder how much fender rub he gets, not to mention, zero power pulling those tires.


    Overkill to me on an IFS. In my eyes, a SAS would have been the better way to go. Especially if you say he got all of the work done at some shop. Oh well, again, to each his own, just my 2 cents.

    I only said it looked good to be nice. Whenever I bag something the world falls in for some reason?

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