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Posts posted by Barnzee

  1. I honestly couldn't tell you a speed. But I didn't hit the pole that hard, I was surprised by the damage . I guess thats caused by hitting a vertical object as opposed to a horizontal object.


    I slid on an angle into the pole - it wasn't head on - if that helps explain the dent a little better.


    Like I said I'm glad the airbag didn't go off. Thanks all for the replies!!

  2. Well I work rapid rotation shift work at a local factory and was just heading in for my last dayshift (Sunday) of the 3 day weekend. We had some pretty crappy weather lots of snow and greasy as I call it. They had not plowed or sanded the driveway, parking lots at work and I fishtailed a little, went to correct and the vehicle just slid. I had no control, when the tires stopped sliding and actually got traction it lurched me towards a light column and it stopped me pretty quick. It looks ugly but the damage actually isn't that bad, insurance is fixing it and I should have it back next Thurs or Friday. Popped the rad so I had it towed to the body shop. I was probably going 40 kms when I hit, the airbag did not go off. I don't know anything about airbags, but many people at work thought it should have went off, is this normal? Does it depend where the contact point is?


    Don't get me wrong I'm glad it didn't go off, but I am curious...... thanks for any insight.




    p.s. guess I'll listen to my wife and use the 4 wheel drive more - hard lesson though..... lol




  3. Hi all,


    Wow, I'ts coming up on a year since I've been here - I will have to start doing some reading and catching up. (I hope Big Jim is doing better?)


    I was just wondering if any other people have had problems with rust at the top right license plate holder on the rear door of your 96-99 Pathfinder?


    I noticed that in 2000 (I think that was the year), they changed the back door. It looks like they did this to solve the problem I am experiencing. The door is now more similar to the Explorer, with a ledge sticking out now so any liquid runs over the license plate and not behind it. I'm probably not explaining this too well, but they also moved the license plate lights up under this ledge I am talking about.


    Does anyone else think this might have been a design flaw? My local Nissan dealership left this rust spot behind my license plate and now want to argue about it. I think they should handle it, and am looking for other opinions. Maybe I'm way offside, and totally screwed up in my logic.


    Just wondering if it is a common occurance and looking for some feedback.


    Thanks in advance either way....



  4. Hi All,


    I tried doing a search and didn't come up with anything, so decided to ask just in case someone has a tip...


    I hit the rear view mirror with my head today (while leaning in the passenger door) and knocked it off of it's mount. It is a 99 pathy so it mounts from the roof - not from the windshield, I was in a hurry and didn't get a chance to look closely at it (plus it was dark). I will look closer tomorrow but does anyone have any suggestions or tips when putting it back on? It doesn't look like anything broke, so I'm sure I'll get it back up there tomorrow.


    Thanks for the help...


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