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Vsicks Pathy

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Been a while. I will update you all soon.


Steve from WA hasn't been here while I was gone has he?  :P

lol.. good one v6.. welcome back.. someone mentioned missing you just the other day.. so here you are.. good! WAVEY


oh, and don't ask me about the vids :hide:P...

Edited by mzxtreme
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:clap: -bounce- welcome back!!!! :beer: see.. someone mentioned you last night in regard to a political post.. and PRESTO! here you are!!!!!! great to see oyu again. as above. how's the business venture going? -bounce-
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(Precise1 @ Jul 20 2006, 01:40 AM)


Ohhh, THIS is TOO perfect... tongue.gif


Try the SEARCH function !!




now THAT was just mean. :)



lol. yeah right. :rolleyes: you try it and tell me how many pages of unrelated stuff you get, ok? action-smiley-027.gif


and mean with a smile?.. :D

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