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Back from my trip


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So, I went from here (Kamloops, BC.. the interior of British Columbia) to Chinook, WA.. about 10 miles north of Astoria OR. Went down there for our annual archery elk hunting trip. No such luck, but I called in a 5x5 bull, had him at 40 yards but couldn't get a shot. Got into a herd of 30+ animals and chased them all day....

Anyway, back on topic... I changed my oil and put in a new air filter the day before I left... I got back a couple days ago... 1120 miles and I got 26mpg!!! I think that's pretty dern good, average speed 75mph. I'm excited B)


I think I can afford a lift and some bigger tires on 'er, with that fuel economy...

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No Sheit !!


you see how many miles you drove, and you divide the total number of miles driven by the gallons it took to fill up...


Thats assuming the odometer is accurate... ;)


I got 20 or 21 mpg driving across the state and up/down a 7500 mountain range with a MT without babying the throttle. :shrug:



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I was :blink: @ 26


20 sounds a little better :lol:



You really have to base your milage on what you put in the tank "after" you reset the trip meter (or record the odo number)


Doing that will give you an accurate MPG. *as B mentioned, that is assuming your odometer is accurate* The way your trying to do it will only give a rough estimate.


1: Fill your tank (completely)

2: Reset your trip meter or record you Odometer reading

3: Drive your heart out

4: Fill up completely again

Then take the amount of fuel you pumped in step 4 from step two and divide into your current trip Meter reading. *** Corrected :crazy: ***


That will give you your actual MPG for that tank of fuel.


At this point, continue on with step two and do it all over again ;)



I record every tank and figure my monthly averages as well.

Edited by RedPath88
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I know! I was going to ask if anyone had time or wanted to show me a trail or something, but I forgot. :( I have free hunting and fishing lisences for life in the state of Washington, so I'll be taking advantage of that. I'm sure I'll be down again before winter :D

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