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ADSL? Why bother?

Vsicks Pathy

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It has been awhile yet again. As you know, the hugs and kisses and myself have bought a new house. I gotta say, I LOVE THIS HOUSE! Just ask sw what the other one was like. Small sh*t hole. With all of the packing, unpacking, buying new furnature to suit the new house and work done at the new place before we moved in... I have not had time to scratch myself. Coupled with, that it took another 2.5 weeks for the internet to be ready, though I don't know why, goes somewhat to explaining my being absent.


I will post pics soon enough... However, posting pics at this point in time for me will be very time consuming. I have struck a problem with our new ADSL broardband internet connection. IT'S TOO BLOODY SLOW! I am thinking that it is not that much quicker than dial up. We had cable for 7 years in the old place but it is not available here in the new suburb. Well, it is but not with my prefered carrier.. Optus. We have our LAN line with them as well as all of our mobile phones (4). Our home grown carrier is Telstra and I have vowed never to use them again for as long as I live. They are a pack of bastards!


Long story short, Telstra has cable here. It has been about ten years since I made that vow and until now I have not given them a second thought. I will call Optus tomorrow and ask them to quote a price on ADSL2. After I get the price I am going to demand I get it at the same price we are paying for this sh*t ADSL. If they don't come to the party... Do you guys and girls think I sould bite the bullet and swap over to Telstra?


It will be a bitter pill for me to swallow but I WILL if if the general consensus suggests I should. After all, they do have what I need.... BASTARDS!

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I hate DSL. It was very slow (fastest download was 40 kb/sec Service would go down at least once a month, tech support sucked, and you have to connect when you turn the computer on.



I switched to cable a few years ago. For the same price, it's MUCH faster (downloads go to 350 kb/sec, not 40), I never have to connect, and i've never experienced an outage.



Thats my experience.

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It will be a bitter pill for me to swallow but I WILL if if the general consensus suggests I should. After all, they do have what I need.... BASTARDS!


Everyone's gotta eat crow now and then. People who eat crow and like it scare me the most.


That's not you! WAVEY


I've only had dial-up prior to switching to cable. It's been a good experience.

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I hate DSL.    It was very slow (fastest download was 40 kb/sec  Service would go down at least once a month,  tech support sucked,  and you have to connect when you turn the computer on.

Heh.... you should be glad you're not me.

I live in the middle of nowhere, 21km from the closest pavement (Which is good when I need to take the Pathy for a walk)...

But, I have dial-up, the only internet we can get, other than sattelite.

Fastest download speed I've ever witnessed on our computer was 4kb/sec, which only lasted for about thirty seconds. Average is around 1.5. :oops:

Now you guys know why I rarely use the search function... oh and because I'm lazy... Sorrryyyyy -alcohol-



Oh, and in the summer when temperatures reach 95+.... our phone lines go out probably, oh I'd say at least 5 times a day, sometimes for more than an hour. And Telus only comes out once a week, on Thursdays to do repairs... and they often don't make it out, cause they're lazy bastards that would rather sit at home with cable.

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dont do it steveo!!!



telstra is teh gay :furious:


pack of moranic fools


stupid greedy nobs couldnt even get me a solid copper connection, i was stooopid enough to wait almost a year. hence my home connection is still dial up thanks to my ubber great 'pair gain' connection.


wish Solomon Trujillo (ceo of telstra) would go back to the states and get run over by a big truck :furious:

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Steve I think it all depends on why to hate them... looking back maybe it was not so bad? or maybe it really was :shrug:


Other things to consider would be... has the company been reorganized/bought out or merged since then? If so then your experiences there may be different now.


I have Comcast cable and although it "usually" performs as expected.. Comcast, as a company IMO sucks... I hate them.


Why am I still with them? Because the local (privately owned) phone company charges an arm and a leg for slower Internet. Everywhere around this god forsaken town is another better know company that offers better... everything, at lower prices! But I cannot get it, so I have cable through Comcast.





If the DSL seems slow, maybe there is a problem, have you put in a trouble ticket... called and said it's not what it should be?

Cable is usually faster but DSL is dedicated... this means that while DSL is "often" slower than advertised cable Internet, it will always's be capable of the speeds you expect. While cable is shared and in the evening (or other high traffic times) your connection will perform at lower levels that late night/early morning (low traffic times). Also, the more people who have it in your local area the slower your speeds will be.





It's a give an take with DSL/Cable and it will likely be with the company you hate. If they have what you want, then you have to give some to get it :shrug:

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OK, here's the deal with ADSL.

Pretty much all DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is ADSL (Asynchronous DSL). All that means is that your download speed is faster than your upload speed. There are two main parts to your DSL connection, the telco side which is all the way from the main facility where your internet comes from to the box on the side of your house where the telephone line comes in to the house and, from the afore mentioned box into your house to all of your telephones, satellite receiver, and your modem. What you need to determine is what side your problem is on. The first step is to call your ISP and tell them you are having a problem. They need to come out and determine if the problem is on their side or your side. Basically, that means up to the box is their problem and past the box into your house is your problem (monetarily that is). The ISP or TELCO is usually responsible for fixing their end and you are usually responsible for fixing any problems with the wiring in your home. What is your connection supposed to be ? I have had DSL for a long time and prefer it over cable any day as cable is a shared type network and, DSL is a dedicated connection with a fairly fixed rate of speed with no neighbors eating up your bandwidth with p2p prOn 24/7. If the problem is on your side, it's time to call a telephone repair service to come out and test the telephone lines in your house and hopefully find whats wrong, fix it, and not charge you an arm, a leg, and a keg. Hope this helps.

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After speaking to many idiots at Optus I finally got on to a person that had a clue. Seems the problem is our cordless phone? It is interfering with the line signal somehow?? It has a filter on it but apparently it needs another one. The tech checked the line speed from his comfy cubical and found that all was well. So the fix is easy enough, and no pill for Steve just yet.


The speed is nowhere near that of cable but at least I am not falling asleep waiting anymore.

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Forgot to tell you what we did do to save some money on cable. We disconnected our home phone that was running about $40/mo. We only have cell phones now which we were paying for already. between the cost of the land line, and cost of dial-up it all evened out.


Sometimes we miss calls from forgeting to switch off vibrate, or too lazy to walk to the front and get phone off charger. but i don't miss a phone in every room so much.

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I used to be in the same situation as ILoveMyPathy, I live out in the middle of nowhere (15 minute drive to the nearest town) so I used to be limited to dial up or satelite. But then I found out that there's a wireless ISP in my area! Now I'v got a SYNCRONOUS 1MB/sec connection! :D That is of course when it works. It has the occasional hiccup, but I'm a tech nerd so I know how to fix most of the problems myself. And when it works I can get ridiculus download speeds. I'm talking 115kbps sustained, and bursts of 150 or more. Only downside is I'm paying $50 a month. If I wanted to pay more I could get a 5MB/sec connection sly

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I had dsl for a while, great for hosting but not for gaming as a peer. altho i was paying for the hi-end dsl 1 meg up 1 meg down. but i hosted a game server. now that i have 10 meg cable i can dl like 3-4 things at over 300k each!


look at the pic of my desktop lol.


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