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for you mz.

Vsicks Pathy

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Ah, I suppose the mormons are the chosen religion anyway right? (ala southpark)


And yeah, a winchester, I had one of jesus packing a combat shotgun, but I can't seem to find it right now. ;)

i said LDS because i am reading "under the banner of heaven" right now. scary stuff. religion? hmm

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I was talking about our servicemen and women that are over in iraq. i wasn't meaning it to sound as if it was happening over here. sorry if it sounded that way.

Iraq... Isn't that where WE as the coalition of the willing are attacking, raping, murdering, plundering, pillaging, torturing, maiming and above all else, terrorising the whole country illegaly? Isn't it??


You managed to confuse me for all of.....well, honestly, ZERO seconds. I must hand it to you... You did try to spin it to look like it was the other way round. Unfortunately, there are alot of people that belive outright undiluted bullsh!t like that. Though there are fewer and fewer each day now, they still exist... Don't they.

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i knew you were in that area so i thought i'd throw that out there. :)

Yeah, thanks for that :blink::P


Jesus (if he were a real person) should be tot'n a AK 47 shouldn't he?

He is an Arab (if he were a true person) after all.


Meh, fictitious characters can carry whatever they want. ;)



Edited by Harbinger
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Just something vaguely on topic but a good read. I put it here rather than start a new thread... :shrug:


(Hey V6, good to have you back and mellow... :P:beer: )





It's the lack of soup that keeps me mellow B. lol


Ironically, the fellow at the podium kills more people than anyone or thing at this point in time..

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The christain way was to turn the other cheek. Now it's kill and destroy anyone or thing that stands in the way of their interests. Amazingly the christains want to die, in fact they actuall want the world to end so the can have a little spot beside jesus. This is why the Neo Cons have the religious right (extreemist) on side. The Neo Cons don't give a rats arse if they distroy the world in the name of empire and the christians want them to. It is a real shame that the religious exteemists have sided with Satan just so they can have their armageddon in our life time. What's more shameful is that if there really is a god that they will all burn in hell for making it happen. Might be a good thing after all?

You crack me up. It's always the ones who would never do anything for anyone else and who watch the " negative aspects " of the news and believe it all who are the first to know everything. I was in Iraq for 16 straight months, fighting in the streets of Baghdad, the Sunni triangle, Ramadi, And everywhere else along the Euphrates river. There is way more to it all than what you see on the news.....every year hundreds of thousands of soldiers are transfered in and out of that @!*% hole of a country trying to help those who want help and believe me, besides the freaking thugs, the people are better off. Look what our country went through to get freedom. The women have education available, kids have clothes now, food, cell phones, internet, power, air conditioning, and many other ammenities that they never knew existed! Should we be there? Probably not, but you can't blame the service men and women for that, the American people voted, so blame everone who voted. You are damn right, when I recieved hostile fire I returned it ten times more....but when you are sent somewhere like that whether you like it or not, it's you or them plain and simple and it wasn't going to be me. Do you really call standing a man on a box and telling him hes really over water and could be electricuted is torture? Come on. Put it this way, if we weren't over there, you never know, they might be over here.

Edited by govols74n
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I watch the news every night and unfortunately I have seen alot more than just 3 people with their heads chopped off. I have seen countless dead and dying children, women and men (humans no better or worse than you and I, dispite the bullsh!t you choose to belive). I have seen their homes bombed and their country destroyed based on lies and a greed for oil. Remember "SHOCK AND F'n AWE!!!!" Just what do you think that did to these people? NOTHING! You are a joke. Shall I tell you what it did. Shock and awe and a constant threatening posture gives a whole country and all of the other countries threatened as the axis of evil every right to defend themselves. You want to talk about fear and F'n terror! Put yourself in those poor bastards shoes.


Oh by the way...., There are no enemy POW's because Bush says there is none. And because of that FACT he ignors the Geneva Conventions. They (the USA) torture, rape, kill and do what ever they please. Yes, the fact of the matter is that WE are no better than the dictator your country made and supported. For claiming to be the liberator, WE are in fact worse. To expect nothing in return. Grow up! Your reasoning is pathetic at best. "so knowing this gives our POWs (civilian or military) fear and emotional terror/torture of that happening to them..." Well,. stiff titties if you don't like the heat get outof the kitchen. no one asked you to be there anyway now, did they!


Learn a little bit of history and politics before going off half cocked


As for your other comments..





What a crock of @!*%, take a walk in a real mans shoes.

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The women have education available, kids have clothes now, food, cell phones, internet, power, air conditioning, and many other ammenities that they never knew existed!

ahh, the american education system. very nice; too bad you don't know what you're saying.

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still do and don't forget the marsh arabs who lived in floating grass huts and then of course there are the beduins who live in black tents. and then there is the question of freedom; sharia of course is even more liberal then our own liberals. taliban times in afghanistan were so much fun. :rolleyes:

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You crack me up. It's always the ones who would never do anything for anyone else and who watch the " negative aspects " of the news and believe it all who are the first to know everything. I was in Iraq for 16 straight months, fighting in the streets of Baghdad, the Sunni triangle, Ramadi, And everywhere else along the Euphrates river. There is way more to it all than what you see on the news.....every year hundreds of thousands of soldiers are transfered in and out of that @!*% hole of a country trying to help those who want help and believe me, besides the freaking thugs, the people are better off. Look what our country went through to get freedom. The women have education available, kids have clothes now, food, cell phones, internet, power, air conditioning, and many other ammenities that they never knew existed! Should we be there? Probably not, but you can't blame the service men and women for that, the American people voted, so blame everone who voted. You are damn right, when I recieved hostile fire I returned it ten times more....but when you are sent somewhere like that whether you like it or not, it's you or them plain and simple and it wasn't going to be me. Do you really call standing a man on a box and telling him hes really over water and could be electricuted is torture? Come on. Put it this way, if we weren't over there, you never know, they might be over here.

You had better read up on history my dear undeveloped, uneducated friend.


The reason Iraq WAS hated by most other Arab states was because of the freedoms they had. Note "HAD" being past tence thanks to sanctions that killed millions and a war for oil that has killed over 600,000. Do a quick bit of research and then come back here on your knee so I may forgive you your stupidity! Oh, and please don't open your mouth till then. You shame yourselfand those around you.

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:clap:  :clap: You have to love freedom of speach. :clap:  :clap: There were plenty of Aussies in Iraq also, and they didn't have to be there. :)

Your kidding aren't you? Plenty? A few yes but plenty... NO! I'd hardly call a few thousand plenty. If you bothered to know anything about my view on this topic you'd realise now how stupid you really do look.


Hmmm, back to your foolish, hidious and by the "brainwash" book comments about Iraq.. The silence you speak says volumes. You obviously found out that Iraq was a well and truely forward country untill your Government f*cked it. Is this the first time you ever bothered to find out any facts? Did it shock you to learn the truth? Are you going to even acknowledge it? SO! On your knee then.


As for loving freedom of speach... What country are you talking about? It certainly isn't America and Australia has never had it. Do somemore research ^%$#head!


Now go away until you know what you are talking about. You're boring me.



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So outspoken, lol.

Actually, so understated.


I am doing my best not to lash out at you for all of the painfully obvious reasons. I mean, you do leave yourself wide open with your 4th grade education and what is becoming more clear to us all ..... an IQ of a gnat. yawn!


PLEASE for the sake of this forum... Just keep your head in the sand (or up your own backside, which ever is more apt) and pretend that the real world is just they way "you" think it is. But I beg you, keep it to yourself.


In have questioned your grasp of real life twice now and I see you still don't answer. Sorry, ..... WE see. That gnat thing is repeating now isn't it?


Where is the insect repellant?

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