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Should I Open Up A Thread Or Not?

Vsicks Pathy

Just yes or no will do.  

13 members have voted

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This is an easy one.


Seems that the VT thread, though for my mind was prematurely locked, still gets a lot people looking at it.


I was thinking, seeing how the VT thread got "off topic"??? (one of the reasons it was locked) that perhaps we could start a brand new thread to see the reasons for and against.


So, it will be a yes or no poll.

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Now now...he's not being that provocative, is he? I don't see any reason why not. Jim didn't want to get into religion or politics originally and I pretty much agree with that line of thinking 'cos this is a offroad-oriented vehicle forum...can't we have a civil off-topic discussion every now and then?



Edited by 88pathoffroad
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This is an easy one.


Seems that the VT thread, though for my mind was prematurely locked, still gets a lot people looking at it.


I was thinking, seeing how the VT thread got "off topic"??? (one of the reasons it was locked) that perhaps we could start a brand new thread to see the reasons for and against.


So, it will be a yes or no poll.



i kind of have wondered that too. i'd say start one and we'll see how it goes. i'm sure if it gets out of hand it will get locked again.



to everyone: just don't make me break out the can of whoopas$ on ya'll! :D

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After reading the VT thread, I'd like to revise my previous statement. Sorry, I hadn't seen the end of it.


Vsicks, quit being such a blowhard. 'Yelling' your opinion at anyone who reads it and arguing with everybody will only result in ostracization and after a while nobody will take what you say seriously. You're not changing any minds. You're not making any difference. You're just starting pissing matches between people thousands of miles and whole different societies apart.


Harsher regulations and some actual PARENTING and BASIC SAFETY MEASURES (Trigger locks, anyone? Gun safes anyone?) would greatly reduce your precious youth death rates. Aside from that, I guess it's Darwinism at it's best...even if a lot of the deaths are accidental. I've owned several firearms without incident or issue. A .22 rifle and a .380 auto pistol. My brothers each have several guns for hunting and home protection. Both have trigger locks and gun safes. Not one problem to date and we go shooting a few times each year without incident.

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Well it's not realy my place to vote on a US gun law since I'm a Canuck, but I can tell you that the Canadian gun law/control has been quite the controversy.


I think the government is focusing on the wrong issue when it comes to controlling guns. It's not the unregistered/registered guns that kill people, it's the lack of making people aware of safety.


You probably wont be able to convince the next bank robber to use a gun safely, but if you can teach a school kid that's never been in contact with a gun that it should always be treated as a loaded weapon, you might have just saved another kids life.


I understand people being afraid of guns and to some extent they should be. I also understand that not everyone has or will have guns in their home, but I think it's naive to think guns will mysteriously go away. There will always be guns in homes where people are hunters, police officers, law enforcement, etc.


So.... (at the risk of offending any anti-gun folks here) I think instead of brushing the issue under the carpet, we should teach at least the basic (not how to shoot guns) but the "if you come in contact with a gun or see someone who has a gun" and "how dangerous handeling a gun can be" safety in school. We've started teaching about safe sex, why not about how not to accidentally shoot someone.



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Trigger locks are not really required when everything fits in the Safe.... and the Ammunition has a separate safe...


And just so you know, Hunters Safety/Gun Handling is a required course in my house. Not so that they can go hunting, but so I know they know what to do if they are out and about when a fire arm does come out without appropriate supervision/training.... Which is something that will never happen in my house...


As for accidents, none personally, none in the immediate family, none to my knowledge with any of my friends...

Edited by Casey.T
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"I tell you what", I've been a member of this board for several years. And edit my post if you want, but V6, your condesending. The problem with you is that it doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, your condesending. Everything you say puts down other people. I lived in Oz for nearly a year, so i know your society, allthough not bad, its far from perfect. Go fix your own society, and your own laws.


I joined this board to have fun, learn a few things and make some friends in family oriented atmosphere. Not to sit down in my off time trying to relax and read what some of my friends are doing (yes i've actually been wheeling with members of this board, and done business with them) Not read a thread and end up reading what someone from the land of OZ has to say about the country I have defended (yes I'm a vet).



.... and i have absolutely no problem saying this to a mans face. i will speak to you online as i would speak to you in person.


i got my first Gun when i was 8 1/2 second at 12, I own 5 guns to date, all my kids are educated about firearms and within my immediate family of about 40 (yes huge family) there has never been any problems or accidents.


....., then I"m OUT!




Or ban me, I don't give a @!*%

Edited by mzxtreme
you're pushing it
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I thought this had been covered at some point and time...IIRC Pavlow was called something to the effect of a gun totin yee haw hillbilly in the discussion b/c of his avatar...


my opinion is this: gun laws are BS solely b/c no matter how much you tighten down on them the wrong people will get their hands on them...it's just as simple as mind over matter/where theres a will theres a way...as is drug use, under age drinking, illegal immigration, illegal weapons of all kinds, piracy etc and so on...


I've read around previously on other boards and what not (cant remember which 1's they were) but although v6 can have his good moments most of the time it seems as if he's just pushing the right buttons to see how many people he can piss off...i dont even remember what thread we got into it on but it was quite humorous to me since i was talking out of my ass just to get a rise...


....., then I"m OUT!


I dont think 1 member should be able to make several members (or even another single member feel like that) so maybe that should be taken into consideration as well...

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There are some people who just like to swat the hornets nest. Right or wrong... nut or not. If someone wants to start a thread on gun control, so be it. If it's truely meant to be a civil discussion of issues, I have my own opinions and experiences that I could share in hopes that others may use the information to become more educated or have a larger population base to draw from. If a nut starts the thread, I'll simply exercise my right not to read it or respond to it as they most likely don't give a @!*% about anyone elses opinion.

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That makes the most sense to me Scott. I typically steer clear from V6's political threads, as they typically become pissing matches.


That said, once in a while, it's kinda funny to read. I think that he actually does know what he's talking about in terms of Pathfinders, and vehicles in general. I also think, even when he's not on one of his political rants, he's far too blunt for some people's tastes.


87Pathy, I get what you're saying about the situation, and in terms of the political threads (the ones I have read) I tend to agree that V6 is NEVER going to have his opinion changed, whether right or wrong. I don't think you should consider leaving the board, simply because one guy pisses you off. The rest of the community seems to be something you enjoy, and we (I'm sure I speak for more than myself) enjoy your presence and knowledge here.


As K9 said, I figure the best thing here is to just avoid V6's threads.

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"I tell you what", I've been a member of this board for several years. And edit my post if you want, but V6, your condesending. The problem with you is that it doesn't matter if you are right or wrong, your condesending. Everything you say puts down other people. I lived in Oz for nearly a year, so i know your society, allthough not bad, its far from perfect. Go fix your own society, and your own laws.


I joined this board to have fun, learn a few things and make some friends in family oriented atmosphere. Not to sit down in my off time trying to relax and read what some of my friends are doing (yes i've actually been wheeling with members of this board, and done business with them) Not read a thread and end up reading what someone from the land of OZ has to say about the country I have defended (yes I'm a vet).

.... and i have absolutely no problem saying this to a mans face. i will speak to you online as i would speak to you in person.


i got my first Gun when i was 8 1/2 second at 12, I own 5 guns to date, all my kids are educated about firearms and within my immediate family of about 40 (yes huge family) there has never been any problems or accidents.


....., then I"m OUT!




Or ban me, I don't give a @!*%


i'm going to have to defend v6 a bit here. he has the same right to post here as anyone else. just because he pisses you off doesn't mean he can't post here. you be the censor. be responsible for your actions please.


you're the one who is condensending in the above quote. read it again after you have a few full breaths. right now, with this tiffy, you're the one who is acting like a 12 y/o. you're the one trashing this thread. please stop. thanks.


what does your past soldiering have to do with anything here? please.


now pay attention to the highlighted parts below along with my opinion.



I thought this had been covered at some point and time...IIRC Pavlow was called something to the effect of a gun totin yee haw hillbilly in the discussion b/c of his avatar...


my opinion is this: gun laws are BS solely b/c no matter how much you tighten down on them the wrong people will get their hands on them...it's just as simple as mind over matter/where theres a will theres a way...as is drug use, under age drinking, illegal immigration, illegal weapons of all kinds, piracy etc and so on...


I've read around previously on other boards and what not (cant remember which 1's they were) but although v6 can have his good moments most of the time it seems as if he's just pushing the right buttons to see how many people he can piss off...i dont even remember what thread we got into it on but it was quite humorous to me since i was talking out of my ass just to get a rise...

I dont think 1 member should be able to make several members (or even another single member feel like that) so maybe that should be taken into consideration as well...


the first is right on as someone was in the VT thread about the laws and the real uselessness and topical fixes they provide.



the second part, yup but the reason he get's that way and gets what seems condensending, is because many here have a real lack of argumentative skills. he eggs you on and instead of getting into a real debate (that's a back and forth exchange of ideas and "proofs") some here quickly either try to silence him or stoop down to name calling and the like. put on your critical thinking caps, ok?



There are some people who just like to swat the hornets nest. Right or wrong... nut or not. If someone wants to start a thread on gun control, so be it. If it's truely meant to be a civil discussion of issues, I have my own opinions and experiences that I could share in hopes that others may use the information to become more educated or have a larger population base to draw from. If a nut starts the thread, I'll simply exercise my right not to read it or respond to it as they most likely don't give a @!*% about anyone elses opinion.


1st: good definition of why it is good to exchange ideas. thanks


2nd: exactly. very adult of you mr. k9. ;)





That makes the most sense to me Scott. I typically steer clear from V6's political threads, as they typically become pissing matches.


That said, once in a while, it's kinda funny to read. I think that he actually does know what he's talking about in terms of Pathfinders, and vehicles in general. I also think, even when he's not on one of his political rants, he's far too blunt for some people's tastes.


87Pathy, I get what you're saying about the situation, and in terms of the political threads (the ones I have read) I tend to agree that V6 is NEVER going to have his opinion changed, whether right or wrong. I don't think you should consider leaving the board, simply because one guy pisses you off. The rest of the community seems to be something you enjoy, and we (I'm sure I speak for more than myself) enjoy your presence and knowledge here.


As K9 said, I figure the best thing here is to just avoid V6's threads.



pissing matches? lol.. not at all.. hardly anyone here is capable to actually having a toe to toe with v6.. or they never try. i never see any "facts" from anyone but him. that's not a pissing match.. that's game over. some just can't take it any of the ways. that's the hillarious part man.


on 87: yup, very welcome here.. no reason to get in a tiffy over any of this. 87 is going to make his choice whether to stay or not just like he can make a choice whether he reads anything outside the garage or not.

we sure enjoy your company.


and once again... be your own censor, if k9 and simon can... so can YOU!!! :)

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pissing matches? lol.. not at all.. hardly anyone here is capable to actually having a toe to toe with v6.. or they never try. i never see any "facts" from anyone but him. that's not a pissing match.. that's game over. some just can't take it any of the ways. that's the hillarious part man.


on 87: yup, very welcome here.. no reason to get in a tiffy over any of this. 87 is going to make his choice whether to stay or not just like he can make a choice whether he reads anything outside the garage or not.

we sure enjoy your company.


and once again... be your own censor, if k9 and simon can... so can YOU!!! :)


now now mz... let's not get into the definition of what a fact is and why some people refuse to accept them, real or not. We've been down this road way too many times. Problem is, when two people base their opinions on (for lack of better word) 'facts' from opposing sources, it does seem to degrade into a pissing match. Most recently (relatively) however, I have to give V6 credit for refraining from his early mode of badgering and name calling. Most of us who partook (is that a real word?) in those threads did our share of it as well. Anyhow... bottom line is just as stated... be your own censor. pick your battles. state your opinion, don't force it upon others. have another beer. smack slick in the back of the head for writing all over the walls. and any other meaningless words of wisdom you can think of. :)


oh lookie... another thread to go read. (see how easy it is? hehehehe)

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Gee, all of this and it is only a question of whether or not to. lol!

At least some have a genuine interest. One or two have started the debate already. That is a good sign.


No need for anyone to get their knickers in a knot. The subject matter is not a topic yet. It is up for the members of this board (of which I am one too) to decide whether or not I start the thread. It is not being pushed down anyone throat.

As for being condescending? If putting facts where bullsh!t once sat is condescending, then so be it. It is a two way street and I in fact try to encourage people to put FACTS forward.


I have been banned from this site before. So other members asking for it to happen doesn't impress. Believe it or not, I was banned the first time for saying two door Pathies are better than four door Pathies. lol. My how facts get me into trouble. lol. Warnings! I have had heaps of them too! SO using passive aggressive blackmail to have my postings removed or censored doesn't move or impress me. I hung around NPORA for a bit before I decided to become a member. The membership number I was assigned was 50. If I had of become a member straight away, I figure I'd come in just under SW's membership mumber. Mmmm; That is a long way back. I love it when I read that people have been here for several years, it really puts things in perspective.


You guys have choices.... as K9 said said in his reply, though I do take exception as to the reference of my being a nut. Keep in mind K9, you have never cracked this nut. lol.



88 says this??? "Vsicks, quit being such a blowhard. 'Yelling' your opinion at anyone who reads it and arguing with everybody will only result in ostracization and after a while nobody will take what you say seriously. You're not changing any minds. You're not making any difference. You're just starting pissing matches between people thousands of miles and whole different societies apart."


A blowhard? Yelling my opinion?? Arguing? You will have to explain why you said these things. Putting up facts is not arguing. My opinion is quite neutral actually. I could care less at who has a gun and who hasn't. I asked a question that the WHOLE WORLD ASKED (yet again). What of gun control?


Pissing match? Please.


MZ "pissing matches? lol.. not at all.. hardly anyone here is capable to actually having a toe to toe with v6.. or they never try. i never see any "facts" from anyone but him. that's not a pissing match.. that's game over. some just can't take it any of the ways. that's the hillarious part man."


I think it's funny anyway. lol



MZ, and I quote, again... "the second part, yup but the reason he get's that way and gets what seems condensending, is because many here have a real lack of argumentative skills. he eggs you on and instead of getting into a real debate (that's a back and forth exchange of ideas and "proofs") some here quickly either try to silence him or stoop down to name calling and the like. put on your critical thinking caps, ok?"


Too easy mz. Though debating skills are a more appropriate term.


I am going to give it a week before I looked at the votes.

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now now mz... let's not get into the definition of what a fact is and why some people refuse to accept them, real or not. We've been down this road way too many times. Problem is, when two people base their opinions on (for lack of better word) 'facts' from opposing sources, it does seem to degrade into a pissing match. Most recently (relatively) however, I have to give V6 credit for refraining from his early mode of badgering and name calling. Most of us who partook (is that a real word?) in those threads did our share of it as well. Anyhow... bottom line is just as stated... be your own censor. pick your battles. state your opinion, don't force it upon others. have another beer. smack slick in the back of the head for writing all over the walls. and any other meaningless words of wisdom you can think of. :)


oh lookie... another thread to go read. (see how easy it is? hehehehe)



Stop it! I am feeling the love. And that aint right! lol.

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You guys have choices.... as K9 said said in his reply, though I do take exception as to the reference of my being a nut. Keep in mind K9, you have never cracked this nut. lol.



for clarification.... I do believe that we all have choices. I personally did not refer to Vsicks as being a --nut. I was, in my post, referring to anyone in the general posting population being a --nut (using the term from a previous post where I believe Steve was called a --nut)


and damnit man... you SHOULD be banned for that 2-door comment. Everyone knows the FACT that 4-door is better.




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ok, i am too intoxicated to read ALL the above posts, but i have 1 gun, no safety lock.... no kids, not kept in a safe, loaded and (at the moment) my gun is 3k ,miles away from me with a good friend who thought i would (and i prolly would've) blown my head off after my mom died.. anyhoo... it's not the "legally" purchased guns that are the problem 90% of the time, but the underground, gang guns that kill.....

i NEVER shoot my gun unless i am 100% sober....... i kept it in a place only i knew where it was (not easy to find or access)..... and i live alone.......

it's the hand holding the gun that is the majority of the problem...... not the gun itself. CA laws are getting strict, and i welcome that.... but never are you going to alleviate idiots getting access to guns.......


ok... i will ready this tomorrow and it will prolly have NO realtion to the topic.. but ok. whatever lol. :hide:

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now now mz... let's not get into the definition of what a fact is and why some people refuse to accept them, real or not. We've been down this road way too many times. Problem is, when two people base their opinions on (for lack of better word) 'facts' from opposing sources, it does seem to degrade into a pissing match. Most recently (relatively) however, I have to give V6 credit for refraining from his early mode of badgering and name calling. Most of us who partook (is that a real word?) in those threads did our share of it as well. Anyhow... bottom line is just as stated... be your own censor. pick your battles. state your opinion, don't force it upon others. have another beer. smack slick in the back of the head for writing all over the walls. and any other meaningless words of wisdom you can think of. :)


oh lookie... another thread to go read. (see how easy it is? hehehehe)


too funny.. and yes but in a way that's what makes things interesting. totaly different points of view. i think we're lucky in a way that members from accross the globe are willing to share their opinion about politics and other hot topics. i wish more would be willing to add to the praty.


if folks have an issue about an "outsiders" speaking about "our" stuff then fire back about their stuff. i tend to dig a little about AU to keep v6 honest (global matters interest me anyway) not that he isn't critical of his own back yard. why not exchange some other ideas beside wrenching with my buds here? no reason to get upset. sure it can get heated but over all this forum is freaking tame. where the heck do you guys hang out where NPORA seems tough? :blink:




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The pissing match ensues when people gain VERY strong opinions, loosely based on fact. That is neither directed at V6, nor anyone else, but a comment in general. To be honest, when things get heated, typically judgment, and logical, clear thinking go out the window. That's what I meant about a pissing match.


As far as I'm concerned, as long as the political chat stays in the political threads....what's the harm? Not everyone wants to participate, and being that it's in it's own thread, no one has to. I say start your topic, V6. As long as it remains a discussion, and not a bunch of name calling, and stupidity (pissing match) then it's causing no harm.


Anyone who doesn't want to play, can steer clear.

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The pissing match ensues when people gain VERY strong opinions, loosely based on fact. That is neither directed at V6, nor anyone else, but a comment in general. To be honest, when things get heated, typically judgment, and logical, clear thinking go out the window. That's what I meant about a pissing match.


As far as I'm concerned, as long as the political chat stays in the political threads....what's the harm? Not everyone wants to participate, and being that it's in it's own thread, no one has to. I say start your topic, V6. As long as it remains a discussion, and not a bunch of name calling, and stupidity (pissing match) then it's causing no harm.


Anyone who doesn't want to play, can steer clear.



hey Simon...
















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