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Should I Open Up A Thread Or Not?

Vsicks Pathy

Just yes or no will do.  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. WTF is poll content?

    • Yes
    • No.

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A blowhard? Yelling my opinion?? Arguing? You will have to explain why you said these things. Putting up facts is not arguing. My opinion is quite neutral actually. I could care less at who has a gun and who hasn't. I asked a question that the WHOLE WORLD ASKED (yet again). What of gun control?


I may be a bit off-base, but that's my opinion of how some of your posts are interpreted on the *other end*. To be sure, not all of your posts are conflicting or generate any ire from anyone, you just seem to push buttons on people rather easily and I'd appreciate it if you'd *NOT*. :) You're a stand-up guy, Steve. No ill will, man.


The only reason you got a posting ban a long time ago is that you were the ONLY person on the forum causing any grief whatsoever, so that was one way to tell you to cool off for a bit. Let the wrist slapping continue! ;)

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I agree wth Simon on this one. Post the thread, but everyone needs to be sure that they checkemotion at the door. If the thread deteriorates into an immature display of name-calling and inappropriate commetns, it will be closed.


I tink that people, and a few specifically, seek out somewhat controversial topics to try and get someones goat, and thus ensues the piing match. I also agree with mzs theory that people forget how to construct a logical argumen when thy get excited. Try to remain calm, and remember...at least this isn't Pirate!! LOL.

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Ok, I'll be civil here. The VT thread started off well, then this post.


V6 wrote

"The trouble with America is that not enough people have guns. More guns please. The bigger the better! With more guns less people would have been killed? :wackinit: At least that is the argument being put forward by some people. "


Do you really think americans think this way? I don't know anybody with this attitude (except maybe a texan..lol)


This really rubbed me the wrong way.


then this


"The survey obviously doesn't understand the American way either. More guns = more safety.... CORRECT! It couldn't possibly mean more sickos with guns... COULD IT?"


Again, YOU don't understand the american way.


No I don't necessaryity agree with what was said prior to this but here is another one.


"You have given me reason to wonder if it is attitudes like yours that compels someone is carrying a gun in the first place?"


Why because he speaks of Honor and trying to protect himself and his family?


If this is not a condesending comment then.. well..(just because he stated what he thinks, hes a big fool that you can laugh at?)


You are a fool. And a big one at that. You finish by asking us to "please THINK" when you obviously can not. Laugh! I nearly wet my pants.

(translation, your so stupid i can't stop laughing at you)



Your mate Ghostpath got out when the facts couldn't be denied, best you do the same I think.


PS. I just broke into your car and I now have an illegal weapon... THANKS man!


Although the majority of your "facts" are indead facts.. lets remember what a Fact is.. its when two peopel agree on something. THATS IT I work with facts every day that i disprove.


All this was taken from 1 thread.


I do stear clear from V6's threads, cause they always piss me off. I read the VT thread cause of what it was discussing.

then the guy who has a 14 hour flight to hour country starts telling the AMERICANS how america should be (or at least thats the way I take your words V6)

I let it go.


Then you want to start another thread talking about the same thing, just so he can state your opinoin. you have never accepted any body elses opinion in any Political thread you have posted in.


I have never started any crap on this board, as a matter of fact, i'm very quiet here.

So if I go on a rant, there may be a good reason for it.


If I'm wrong, please point me to a thread, started by V6 on his political views that he will actually listin to other peoples input.



And as for, what does my soldiering have to do with this.. This was just a statment. (backing up "a country I defended")


So, I will stick around, as I have cooled off. But i will no longer be visiting threads such as these.


Am I still pushing it?

Edited by 87pathy
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i will no longer be visiting threads such as these.





I'd hate for anyone else to just cut and paste bits and pieces so as to take everything out of context like you just did. It is painfully obviously that you have not bothered to read the VT thread or understand anything that was written there, but perhaps others did. You must read the whole thread then so the points made will be taken in context. As I said in the VT thread.. any tosser can take tidbits to make something look like it is something else. You tried just now to do the same thing. Failed miserably too I might add. Shame on you.

I fail to see why you'd even bother to post when you said you wont? What was your point?


If this is the sort or crap that the proposed thread will be full of then I shan't bother doing it.


Please, stick to your word! Don't reply either, I really don't want to hear it.



If a mod wants to warn me or edit this retort, then I'd ask them to remove the reason for it.

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Damn, you people can let a poll by V6 about if he should start a topic turn into a 'friendly' arguement?




Lets discuss what people can post on the intarweb, in an OFF TOPIC forum...




Shall we define what to read and how to avoid disagreeing/becoming irate with someone elses views/opinions?





No question for me. Post away V6, just keep it clean. Same rules as always.


Oh, I just bought another gun.... A Sig Sauer, damn those Krauts make nice machinery!! :clap:



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Damn, you people can let a poll by V6 about if he should start a topic turn into a 'friendly' arguement?




Lets discuss what people can post on the intarweb, in an OFF TOPIC forum...




Shall we define what to read and how to avoid disagreeing/becoming irate with someone elses views/opinions?



No question for me. Post away V6, just keep it clean. Same rules as always.


Oh, I just bought another gun.... A Sig Sauer, damn those Krauts make nice machinery!! :clap:




You are insatiable B. lol

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I don't need any guns. I use my charm and good looks to deter vandals and other scum.




the assembly of bits and pieces or real information in order to tell a story that the assembler wants to tell is exactly what newspapers and other media agencies do for a living. Then, people pick and choose their resources to base their arguments on and claim 'facts'. This is one way that opposing viewpoints can be based in fact and be nearly opposites of each other. Can you say FOX News? sure. Anyway... in the spirit of slinging out of context bits and pieces.... I offer this:




now... back to your corners before I have to draw my raiper.

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I don't need any guns. I use my charm and good looks to deter vandals and other scum.




the assembly of bits and pieces or real information in order to tell a story that the assembler wants to tell is exactly what newspapers and other media agencies do for a living. Then, people pick and choose their resources to base their arguments on and claim 'facts'. This is one way that opposing viewpoints can be based in fact and be nearly opposites of each other. Can you say FOX News? sure. Anyway... in the spirit of slinging out of context bits and pieces.... I offer this:




now... back to your corners before I have to draw my raiper


What you say about popular media is correct if the assembler has an agenda.

I don't steer away from "popular media stories or editorials" even though this is where the bending of the truth usually surfaces. If you read and receive your information from other sources then chances are you smell the rat. But I do prefer using analytical data for issues such as this whenever possible. Data from analytical sources has been collected over time, not in the blink of an eye. For this reason the data is relied on as fact as opposed to speculation or a one off event. I mean, for learned people such as ourselves popular media isn't really an issue. We have taken the time to know the full story. It becomes an issue when you don't know the full story and some hack comes along and tells you only the little bits that suit them. As stated, most of these people have personal agendas, bias or loathing for something or someone. Yes, like Fox... And no, I can't say FOX news... not without gagging anyway. lol If we all watch and listen to that "news service" we would find that are winning a legal war on terror. My real concern, and it is evident here, is that people just do not read, or worse, don't understand what a fact is. People here ignore facts, and when confronted by them...... Well, you don't hear from them again on said topics, do you? These are the blowhards that 88 so affectionately calls me. These are the people that are yelling and screaming, forcing opinions down others peoples throats. Throw a fact this way... just one fact would be nice. The 'assembler', as I will call him (good word k9), say this "If I'm wrong, please point me to a thread, started by V6 on his political views that he will actually listin to other peoples input." I'd ask him to show me where anyone put up an argument based in fact that I could listen to.

This too. This is his idea of how a fact is born? "Although the majority of your "facts" are indead facts.. lets remember what a Fact is.. its when two peopel agree on something. THATS IT I work with facts every day that i disprove." He would want me to take anything he said seriously? Based on what?


And for getting on with it I offer this...



Shot at 2005-09-15

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Only if the votes favour it.


But here is something to consider/digest while we wait....




if you wait to long, i'll start the damn thread because this gun discussion will end up in 3 or more threads and i have found some of the arguments interesting. i hate to have to chase this stuff all over the place.



so, you want to now somehow restrict the internet? how? lol

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What you say about popular media is correct if the assembler has an agenda.

I don't steer away from "popular media stories or editorials" even though this is where the bending of the truth usually surfaces. If you read and receive your information from other sources then chances are you smell the rat. But I do prefer using analytical data for issues such as this whenever possible. Data from analytical sources has been collected over time, not in the blink of an eye. For this reason the data is relied on as fact as opposed to speculation or a one off event. I mean, for learned people such as ourselves popular media isn't really an issue. We have taken the time to know the full story. It becomes an issue when you don't know the full story and some hack comes along and tells you only the little bits that suit them. As stated, most of these people have personal agendas, bias or loathing for something or someone. Yes, like Fox... And no, I can't say FOX news... not without gagging anyway. lol If we all watch and listen to that "news service" we would find that are winning a legal war on terror. My real concern, and it is evident here, is that people just do not read, or worse, don't understand what a fact is. People here ignore facts, and when confronted by them...... Well, you don't hear from them again on said topics, do you? These are the blowhards that 88 so affectionately calls me. These are the people that are yelling and screaming, forcing opinions down others peoples throats. Throw a fact this way... just one fact would be nice. The 'assembler', as I will call him (good word k9), say this "If I'm wrong, please point me to a thread, started by V6 on his political views that he will actually listin to other peoples input." I'd ask him to show me where anyone put up an argument based in fact that I could listen to.

This too. This is his idea of how a fact is born? "Although the majority of your "facts" are indead facts.. lets remember what a Fact is.. its when two peopel agree on something. THATS IT I work with facts every day that i disprove." He would want me to take anything he said seriously? Based on what?


And for getting on with it I offer this...



Shot at 2005-09-15


FOUL! mine was a snapshot from a real video clip... yours was a photochop.

(still funny though)


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So, you going to get on with it, or not?? Hop to it, man!! (all kangaroo jokes aside)





not all...


What do you call a kangaroo that doesn't get out much?

A pouch potato.

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Ok, it’s been long enough and the vote is in the affirmative so I will start the thread.


I must say that I am a little disappointed at the low vote number as opposed to how many views.


Lock this one up and lets see what happens.

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