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Found this guy hanging out on my kitchen wall last night. G/f and I think he *was* a hobo, but I'm not sure, apparently they are easily confused with other spiders.


Anywho he met an untimely end with a back of a DVD case shortly after these photos. I don't normally squish these guys, but I was willing to risk some Karma just in case he was poisonous.





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Either a Hobo or a Funnel Web. We get the funnel webs all around our house every year, fast little efers.




I'm leaning towards a funnel web, as everything I'm finding is saying Hobo's aren't good climbers. This guy wasn't moving either, he just sat in that same position long enough for me to run upstairs and grab my camera, take some shots, and then squish him.


I'm going to pick up some traps tonight, just in case I do have hobo's running about.

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Its Dead... Who Cares??? Spray the outside around your foundations(assuming you have a house) Set up the Annual Spider Traps.....


Should have seen the Big Wolf I squished last night outside.... he was the size of a quarter....

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Its Dead... Who Cares??? Spray the outside around your foundations(assuming you have a house) Set up the Annual Spider Traps.....


Should have seen the Big Wolf I squished last night outside.... he was the size of a quarter....


Heh, I wanted to know in case I find more of them climbing my kitchen walls! I'll be picking up some spider traps tonight though.

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Down here in the dirty south we let some spiders live in the house. They tend to do a much better job of keeping the fly and mosquito populations down inside the house. I hate using poisons with the kids around and fly swatters are a joke. You just have to sweep down the webs every once in a while so it doesn't look like they're takin over.

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Thats a hobo. We just bought a new house two weeks ago and I have killed three all ready. Spider traps are on my shopping list.


Yes thats a hobo. Those are some nasty buggers. There tons when I was living on Spokane and now in MT I'm seeing my fair share as well. The thing that tipped me off is the two fangs hanging from the front. Definitely a hobo. I would put spider traps out ASAP as these guys can definitely EFF you up and can kill small pets.


They are very common in the Northwest. I have killed a couple of dozen in the past year I've lived in this house. :stickwack:

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The thing that tipped me off is the two fangs hanging from the front. Definitely a hobo.


Those aren't fangs, they're actually sex organs on the males.


I'm still not convinced that it was a hobo, the funnel web spiders (pretty harmless) look very similar to a hobo. Take a look at the link Ryan posted and you will see what I mean.


Still, it could be a hobo, so traps are in order.

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When I painted the house last this past summer i ran across 3 (yes 3) seperate black widow spiders. A large female actually ran across my hand. It was kinda neat though, I was taping off around the door and I had to reach down by the step into the door and they were down low by the ground. I saw the male and thought he was alone so I had some was spray close bye and gave it a quick shot and waited till he was dead then i scooped him up with a spoon to put him in a bag to show the wife and daughter (I find them actually cool looking and you could really see the hour glass) . After I got I continuted taping in the same area and then she shot out from between the step and foundation and ran across my hand. And yes I jumped like a scared little girl. I then spayed her too and kept her in the same bag with the male. She was definetaly much bigger.

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