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Consistent Clicking in Engine Compartment


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Just started up my engine for the first time today after my body lift, and I'm hearing a clicking consistent with the speed of the engine, not a high-pitched click, and not a clunkclunkclunk, just kinda in the middle if you know what I mean... I went around and can't decide where exactly its coming from, it seems to be about in the middle, around the fan or belts... could there be a ding on a belt that's doing the clicking or should I look for something else?

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I'm not sure, its not super-fast, definitely slow enough to make out individual "clicks" but I don't know what either of those sound like, so I can't really tell you. =(

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hmmm ... well if it were me I would check to be sure that all the timing belt cover bolts are tight, then I would check the clutch fan, alternator, a/c pump, and power steering pump by removing/loosening the belts and rotate the pulleys by hand to see if you can duplicate any of the clicks ...

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All the clicking in my rig was from the exsaust leak. THANK YOU SAND LAKE!!!


Actually its ok! It only cost 2 dollars to fix but around 2 hours to fix it. I was being lazy, I had a few beers, had to go get some weird thing from shucks that didnt even work. I finnaly got got sick of trying to get my fat fingers in between the hole and the heat sheild so I took a hamer and bent it enough to where I could almost fit 2 fingers in (while a normal human could get there whole hand in there).



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could it be your fan hitting the fan shroud? Doesn't the shroud move up with the body while the fan remains in the stock position (obviously!) - dunnow though - I've never done a body lift...

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