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Fuses Keep blowing


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01 Path.


Front outlet (dash) doesn't work at all.

Middle outlet (armrest) works, but when I plug in the phone, blows fuse.

Back outlet (right rear (why?)) same as middle...


I'm thinking there's a short, and I'm hoping it's in the front one and I'm hoping that just replacing it will fix the issue. P...


Has anyone seen/heard of this before?

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sounds like either your phone is drawing too much current (doubtful)

or your charger is shorting


is there something else you can try in your outlets?


i tend to think if its a wiring short with the car, the fuse would blow as soon as you put it in - no applicance needed on the end of your outlet to make it short

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Have a look at your phone charger. See if it says anywhere how much current (Amps) it draws, as SW asks above.


Then take a look at the Amps number on the fuses you're trying to use.


Have a look at the fuse diagram, if you have one.


The charger may draw too much, OR you may have the wrong size fuse in there.


I've blown a 5Amp fuse before and replaced it with another 5Amp and blown that one and done this three times before I discovered that the original fuse should have been 10Amp... -thnkboutit-


If it were a short in the truck, it would probably be blown all the time.

SW is right. Try plugging something else in.


Just don't use a fuse rated higher than it should be, for that circuit.

And whatever you do, don't bridge across the fuse holder with anything other than a fuse. Unless you want to claim on your fire insurance. sly


Hope you have a win.. ;)

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